
What are some good ideas for volunteer service?

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What are some good ideas for volunteer service?




  1. ...any kind of service that helps people who have contributed to society like elderly people or veterans who genuinely need and appreciate your time and efforts...also you might consider participating in volunteer groups that build or re-model homes for the'll be helping out, and gaining skills that could be useful around your own home...

  2. Check out your local Humaine Society, or Animal Shelter.

    Look into your local Salvation Army.

    You can also check into halfway homes for battered women and children.

    There might also be a lot of childrens homes that could use volunteers.

    Going to Nursing homes just to visit the residents is also a good idea. Sometimes, all they need is someone to sit with and watch TV.

    I would suggest maybe looking into a volunteer headquaters in your town.

  3. If you're interested in a life change and a challenge, try the Peace Corps.  They allow you to work intimately with another culture for two years, more if you feel your work isn't done.  Check out the website and read the testimonies.  It was the best two years of my life, and that's the truth.

  4. Nursing homes, Red Cross, Salvation Army, local church, church missions, if you're in school--clubs/frats/sor., Hospitals, etc.

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