
What are some good investment guns?

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Just wanting to buy a couple guns that would make good "investments" now that I have quite a few for sporting purposes.

This would be a gun I store properly for the long term, would not be used, and may appreciate in value. I want to spend about $1,000




  1. Colts in good conditions especially the old ones.  The Python (in good condition) will probably increase in value but is already upward of $1,500.  Old Winchesters, especially the Pre-64 models.

    With only a thousand dollar budget you will have to shop very wisely.  Look at the 1911s and 1894 Winchesters.  


  2. Go here to find out the various firearms to invest your $$ in.*..>>,  

  3. Any WW 2 Colt .45 ACP (Remington Rand, Essex) retaining at least 80%.  A Rockola M1 Carbine ( do extensive research) is collectible.  

    Be careful with WW 2 German k-98's.  Again, do the research.  Personally, I would stay from most Eastern bloc and Soviet weapons.  It is difficult to adequately research these.  

  4. go to your local gun show  thay have hundreds of guns

  5. I would say any assault rifle or shotgun and pistols that take Hi cap mags,If they do pass another assault weapons ban these will really go up in value,I seen it happen in 94.Another good gun to buy is a Colt Python or any Colt pistol.Old Smith and Wesson revolvers seem to also go up in value.Also German Lugers are another gun that is a good investment.

  6. I don't think buying guns makes sense as an investment compared with interest-bearing bonds or dividend-paying stocks.

    The value of the gun is unlikely to appreciate faster than the rate of inflation.  

    The only reason why its value would rise is if the particular kind of gun suddenly became a more desirable collector's item, such as if congress were to ban its manufacture or importation but allow then-owned guns to be "grandfathered in".

    But it is too hard to accurately predict which guns might be banned but grandfathered in, or even if such legislation will occur.

    There is also the risk that even if congress passed legislation banning certain guns, they might not have a provision allowing the older weapons to be grandfathered in - thus you might be forced to turn in the weapon for destruction.

    Or congress might allow the original owners to keep their grandfathered in guns, but pass so many restrictions as to the transfer of such weapons as to effectively decrease the number of available buyers and therefore cause the market price to decline.

    My $.02 would be to buy guns for fun, protection, and hunting, and buy CD's or quality bonds/stock funds for investments.  

  7. kcx was pretty on the money, assault rifles might be dissapearing out of the shelves pretty soon, depending on this election, since Obama is so anti-gun so I would get that and some 30-40 and 100 rd clips

  8. "good Investment"????  For under $1000 not much..... As a matter of fact guns arent that hot of an investment. My opinion is buy what you want -- enjoy it and if the time comes to sell it maybe you wont take a beating.... BUT there is one investment option to consider at this point in time.......

  9. A great gun is the Remington 12 gauge 870 express. But it doesn't cost near that much. You will not regret it.

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