
What are some good jobs two 15 yr old girls can apply for?

by  |  earlier

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we already did the obvious, asking at mcdonalds, mall, and such, but no luck. any suggestions? missouri city, texas by the way...




  1. Well.... this is a tough one seeing as you tried 4 the obvious but I would say try Jamba juice or a shop in an outlet mall or there is always baby-sitting.

  2. a grocery store like publix if you have them

  3. Work for babysitter, or this link check not scam,, is true,,,

    no is neccesary u go in,,or suscripcions, bur i take  for one week free and i take is some serious,, theis worry for u all time,, is any lenguajes and perfec nothing you not can do i think,,,ok, Good look,,

    any quuestion

  4. most  young people get jobs like handing out papers or  store mascots or a sign waver for like new houses

  5. Hair salons often look for helpers to wash hair, prep stations etc

  6. Baby sitting.  Clerks in stores.  Fast food joints.  Laws may hamper you because of your age.  Have you thought of your appearance while applying at places that you have tried?

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