
What are some good kitten names?

by  |  earlier

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we got a kitten, and don't know what to name it! It is gray and on its face it kinda looks like a tiger. we thought of Storm and Tiger, but not sure if we really like those.. plz give some suggestions! thanks!




  1. Come up with something original. My cats name is Sticky Paws because sometimes when she walks on the carpet it sounds like she has velcro on her feet, haha

  2. hm..i had an orange cat named sunshine

  3. YOU GOT A KITTEN!!!!!!



    thats all i got! and the first one isn't a very good one! haha..

    but i'll think of some better ones(haha if thats possible..i think that one is AMAZING..jk) && text u...when i think of some!

  4. How about "Chew Toy".

    oops, sorry, I don't like cats.

    I'll leave now......

  5. My brother named his cat Thomas, I later named my cat Thomasina (I was in like 3rd grade when we adopted her). I just adopted a beautiful 5 week old orange and white tabby boy who was named Shep by the humane society. We quickly changed his name to Zeus. It suites him. If your kitten is a boy, Stormy is cute though.

  6. well i have a great imagination and could give you lots of fun cool exciting names! spa, jungo,clyde,torch,beans,anonamous drake,or whiz if you want more i deas my email is

                                    The Hanster

  7. my favorite cat was george.

  8. Congrats on the kitten!

    Spend time with him/her and you'll soon find a suitable name that is unique to his/her personality. I always start off by calling them 'mao mao'. That's Mandarin meaning 'cat'. The names just keep coming after spending playtime together. =)

  9. Some people name their cats for their looks (Smokey, Tigger, etc). Others use people names (my guys are Charlie, Sammy & Sasha). The best rules are two syllables and something that is easy for the cat to understand and for you to call him with. You might want to Google "cat names" for ideas.

  10. I have a kitten named mizz stubby she has no tail lol I like bree and jazz for names!

  11. How about





    Prince or Princess (if it's spoiled rotten)



    Mr. Fur Ball

    try this site,

    and whoever gave me a thumbs down....U SUCK!!!

  12. I like Moon or Luna...Tiger is really overused! Others for grey guys: Coal, Moe (for Smokey!), Zeb (for zebra if it is a grey tabby).

  13. My personal favorite is Gizmo. I don't really know why but I think it is an adorable name for a cat and is cute for both a cat and a kitten!

  14. I have a friend who named her cat Velcro. I thought it was hilarious. My brother's kitty is Loki - it is Norse for the god of mischief I think.

    The way you described the kitten, I might also like the name Micah.

    Good luck! :)

  15. Tigger


    Tic Tac

  16. How about Shadow, Oreo, Ginger, Jimbo, or Djibouti?

  17. Aww cute!

    heres some names:

    Boo Boo










    Smokey (i like this 1 alot)






    boots (as in "cat in boots")


    remember that kitten will become an adult. i name mine according to different characteristics they have. their color (ebony), their behavior (climber), their personality ( sassy) etc.

    i had one named callie short for calico, another dallie short for dalmation (she was spotted just like a dalmation)/ i had another named tigger He looked like a tiger but had a very mellow personality.

    get to know your kitten first and a name will come to you that will fit both of you

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