
What are some good knitting/sewing books??

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i'm 14 and i just started to get into the habit of sewing and knitting. on (i have no life lol) there were these cute glove animals so then i started to look for more and now i wanna go buy that book Sock and Glove by Miyako Kanamori. what are some other books like that?




  1. I have a lovely small book - the Vogue Book of Hats & Caps.  I've done about half of them and either given them to friends or to charities.  The best about a hat is that I can finish it!

  2. I suggest you go to your local library and look at what kind of book would you like first .Knitting books are usually pretty pricey  .They have a very good selection at "Michael's" . I bought there the"Big Book of Knitting" by Katharina Buss , it is good for me because I've been knitting for 30 years ,but my 16 year old daughter doesn't get it . Maybe you would . Also you you can go online to ,in this web site they have videos ,it's pretty good . Also ,when you are on this web site go to "free knitting patterns ",they have a big selection of very good patterns ,some for beginners and some advance . Well....have a lot of fun and enjoy your knitting !

  3. I recommend that you go to the Bookstore and you shall find

    books  for Sewing and Knitting, which for sure have

    projects to your liking.

    Most of the time, the simplest things are the most fun to make

    and bring the most pleasure.

    You say: "I have no Life". Everything in Life is up to you.


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