
What are some good low costing birthday party ideas?

by Guest59352  |  earlier

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What are some good low costing birthday party ideas?




  1. Be naturally happy and you don't need anything

  2. bowling? make your own carnival w homemade games? rollerblading? going to a pool?

    Good luck and God Bless.

  3. Paint war games are really a lot of fun if it's warm enough outside and you have a space in the yard to play if your parents will let you go for it. Only you are definitely going to need a hose to wash the area down right after the games are over.

    We couldn't afford paint ball guns and it's too rough anyway for the little ones, so every year we all get together and everyone including most of the adults go crazy trying to get each other with water guns and whole soda bottles filled with colored water which was meant to fill the water guns only... but can they wait? Noooo! haha.

    1) Buy 3 or 4 bottles of bright colored, washable tempera childen's paint that is very inexpensive and can be found at any school supply discount or craft store and fill as many well-rinsed empty soda bottles with water and just enough paint mixed in to give it some color and shake it well. Maybe only about a few table spoons of the Tempura for each bottle is all you need.

    2) Make sure everybody comes to the party with an old white T-Shirt and flipflops or old sneakers and preferably a change of clothes for after.  And you can also always hang those white plastic table cloths from the dollar store around the area if needed.

    3) Music, music, music. Something fun and loud and wild and crazy always gets the games started nicely.

    This and home made carnival games are really easy and inexpensive and fun to make.  

  4. Bouncy castles and inflatables, inflatables are excellent birthday party ideas and give everyone plenty of laughs, some inflatables are better for kids and other inflatables are better for adults, things like the gladiator duel, surf simulator, sumo suits, bungee run and bouncy boxing are excellent party ideas for teenagers and adults. Buddy`s castles have a large range of bouncy castles and inflatables for all party occasions, indoors or outdoors.

  5. Honey we need more info. What age? Male/female? Night or day? Family only? friends/neighbors?date?

  6. Kegs + Woods + Crazy People = Hella good time?

  7. depends who its for!

    for adults just get a good movie and stuff!food, drinks be great!

    for kids its EASY! just do cool games, well ok they aren't cool but kids like them, stuff like pass the parcel, musical statues/chairs and some food and fizzy drinks! its great.

    also whatever it is, just get some good music! and fizzy drinks. go totally hyper. also, PRANK CALLS :d! lol  

  8. Friends, family, cake, a new movie haven't seen, ice cream, music, cookies (if you want), and some pop or soda or whatever you say it. That's all I can think of. I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate my birthday without my friends and family because they're the most important people in the world that would love to celebrate with me getting older.

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