
What are some good magic tricks!?

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i felt board




  1. Try This....super easy....

    Shuffle a deck of cards and remember the bottom card.

    Tell the "victim" to pick a card.

    Cut the deck in half and tell him to put his card on top of the top half and then place the bottom half on top of the top half so that his card is in front of the card you remebered.

    Fan through the cards and pick the one in front of your card it will be his card! SIMPLE!!!! hope this helps

  2. ok, take a bag, an orange, pieces of paper, pen, friend.

    Get a crowd. Tell them you have nothing in the bag(show them)

    Then give the bag to your friend -sort of out of sight. Get friend to secretly put the orange in the bag then have them say. "Its empty" and hand you he bag  w/out showing any signs of your secret orange.

    Get ppl to one by one give the name of a fruit. it shouldnt take long before someone says orange. All this time when u were writing down the names of "fruits" u were writing orange. Now you have a hole bunch of orange papres in the "empty" bag. Draw one out -it will say orange. then pull the orange out of the bag. TA DA.

    lol its from chris angel he showed us how.

  3. Things you'll need:

    A definite answer

    A pen

    A Piece of paper

    A lighter or matches


    A really cool and easy trick is to play a joke on a friend or relative with the following "magic". First pick a subject (it's best to do this well in advance) that you can find something out about that they have no idea you know the answer to. You MUST be sure they will give the answer you're looking for. For example: A neighborhood friend had a pet dog as a child named Fluffy. Again, I stress you must make sure you know the answer before hand. Now when you and some friends get together and you know this person will be there, go into the bathroom and with a thin bar of soap write Fluffy on your arm. You won't be able to see what you're writing, so be careful and neat. An older bar of soap works best. You can also use liquid soap if you apply it with a Q-tip. Allow it to dry. Now sometime in the conversation say that you'd like to try an experiment. (You can make up your own story of course) Ask for a volunteer and of course pick the person who had Fluffy. Hand them a Piece of paper and a pen and ask them to write something down, something that you'd have no way of knowing, then suggest a childhood pet that they loved dearly. Then ask them to fold the paper up twice so that you can't see it. Once they do that ask for the paper back. Now take a lighter and burn the paper somewhere safe. While it's burning ask them to concentrate on what they wrote. Once the fire goes out, rub the ashes over where you wrote Fluffy and it will appear in black freaking everyone out.

  4. has alot of interesting magic tricks, maybe one will interest you.  Do you like coins or card tricks or more complex tricks?

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