
What are some good modeling tips for a beginner? ?

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I have zero experience and I want to get started. I'm thinking money for college.

Let's just say that I have the body that a model would have. I'm really tall, but I often times have trouble working my body because I feel awkward.

Also, what about the face angles?

I would love to know how to work those.

Also, if you are a model and have pictures, I would love you to link me them so I can learn!

And I would also appreciate tips on how to walk.

Thanks ahead to all of you guys!




  1. u need b***s

  2. Thinking money for college and a career in modeling don't go together (not exactly an oxymoron, but close).  You would need to choose one or the other as no agency will put you under contract unless they can realize their 10%-15% fees from having you on their books.  Despite what some people may think, it isn't necessary to arrive at the door of an agency with portfolio in hand and be an expert in what to "do" with your body, hands, face, or walk.  When an agency scout, or someone assigned to new talent determines you have Positive Potential, you are usually "viewed" by another (sometimes more) agency person and your acceptability is rated according to the market they believe you are best suited for.  You would have photographs taken and be reassessed prior to a Grooming Period.  I was never a model but three friends did international runway (one was a house model for Christian Dior another for Valentino).  In looking at today's couture fashion, I see the majority of my Valentino "knock-offs" are still in style. One friend was in a designer bridal show and, as she was soon to be married, the designer offered her a choice of dress as his wedding gift to her.  The next year, when I was getting married, she gave the dress to me (I needed 6 inches cut off the hem).  Have put links, below, to give you an idea of how varied the models are.  (And, for me to say:  Wow! - wish I could afford that!).   On second link see Model Manual on left of page.  

  3. hey im a male model with one the top agencys in america i have three contract  working ur body is easy u have to loosen up and just go with the flow if u take atleast a two day class any modeling agency will accept u as long as u took acting and runway if ur doing portrates u should always keep ur head straight the photographer will take care of the rest ull get keep trying

  4. Thattt lauraa chicks not right. Well maybe, but it depends what kind of modeling your trying to get into.

    Swimsuit modeling you do need a bustier body, but not for everything.

    Theres fashion editorial which focuses on fashion and new trends...and are in places such as magazines like cosmo  and vogue.

    High fashion runway...self explanatory

    Print modeling, lingerie, fitness modeling are just a few.

    Theres also secondary market modeling where your not on like the front page of modeling. Usually for people who are trying to get money while enjoying modeling but dont want to make it their whole life.

    Face angles is something you should work in the mirror and digital camera. Look in magazines and get ideas of how models work their faces. Think about different emotions and feelings.

    Dont try to overwork it. Keep it natural and layed back.

    Tips on how to That might take a little time depend on who you are, but i had taken many years of ballet so its easier for me to walk. But with your walk, keep your strides and movements elegant and smooth and catlike

    Hope someeee of this helps!

  5. Read the advice on this web page:

    Then ask them all the questions you want.

  6. don't do anything that costs money for you to model, its a scam

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