
What are some good movies about the Holocaust?

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What are some good movies about the Holocaust?




  1. Schindler's List  War and Remembrance , the sequel to Winds of War

  2. Why normally I respect other posters, this time, I am forced to say they are all wrong.

    The best Holocaust movie is, easily "Apt Pupil."


    It deals with the psychology which what eventually led to it, rather than the actual events, and it deal with the dark side of human nature, which ultimately caused it.

    Other holocaust movies are manipulative tear jerkers out to play on people's sympathies and to cause as much pity as possible for its victims.  They play on historical facts, while ommitting others, namely estimates that the n**i death camps murdered as many as not just 9 million, but a whopping 20 million people, 6 million of which were Jews, meaning, they were a minority numbers wise in the death camps.

    Make no mistake; they were a top priority to be sure, but the n***s were out to purge Europe of any "nonwhite" elements, and for many unfurtonate eastern Europeans who were descendants of Slavs mixed with Huns, among other central asians, many of them met their end at the death camps for having central asian blood in them, of which n**i historians were well aware.

    "Traditional" holocaust movies, if you ask me, are shallow as h**l, and play out very much like Goebel's propaganda films in how they are set up to tug at your emotional strings.  See, "Apt Pupil" doesn't do that.

    What it does, instead, and for this reason I feel it is by far the most effective Holocaust movie, is that it puts you face to face with evil.  If you wish to see what the holocaust "really" looked like, watch "Apt Pupil."

    I'm sure you can get it at your local video store or order or download it via netflix.

    hope you, ah..... "like" it.

    I'll warn you, despite its I believe PG-13 rating, its very disturbing to non-psychology majors who do not understand psychotic disorders.

    peace out.

  3. Piano - I cant remember who its by but its a really good film.

  4. I recommend "Shoah"Shoah consists of roughly 9 hours of interviews with witnesses of the Holocaust. Lanzmann's style of interviewing, and his selection of interview footage divides his witnesses into three distinct archetypes: survivor, bystander and perpetrator. Lanzmann makes an effort to represent each archetype quite differently.

    Survivors are those who directly experienced the persecution and horror of the Holocaust, and survived to tell their story. All of the survivors that Lanzmann interviews are Jewish. Lanzmann uses these survivors to present a historical record. Many survivors give long, detached descriptions of the events that they witnessed. For example, in Part 4, we hear Filip Müller and Rudolf Vrba describe the liquidation of the family camp at Auschwitz. Their testimonies form an historical narrative.

    Other survivors tell of their own personal experiences of the Holocaust. Müller does not just describe the gassing of the prisoners from the family camp; he also talks about what the prisoners said to him, and describes the experience of going into the gas chamber himself. This testimony is a personal narrative. Lanzmann's survivors react emotionally to what they witnessed. Müller breaks down as he recalls the prisoners breaking into song while being forced into the gas chamber. The camera pulls in close, to capture every detail of his distress. Lanzmann also encourages his witnesses to act out their testimony.

    In Part 3 Lanzmann interviews Abraham Bomba, a barber at Auschwitz, while he cuts hair in a barber's shop. He breaks down while describing how a barber friend of his came across his wife while cutting hair outside the gas chamber. As the camera captures his anguish, Bomba's personal narrative is unspoken as well as spoken.

    DVD cover, 2007 edition.Bystanders are those who were present during the events of the Holocaust without directly being part of it. Some were peripherally involved while others were witnesses. All of the bystanders that Lanzmann interviews are Polish. Lanzmann procures personal narratives from these bystanders. He interviews many of them in the same way that he interviews his witnesses.

    In Part 1 he takes Pan Falborski, a Polish bystander, on a train to Treblinka while we watch his reaction. Lanzmann also drives him along the streets of Wlodawa in a car while he talks about the Jews who used to live in the passing houses. In Part 2 Falborski talks about the gas vans and the mass graves. Karski returns and gives a detailed, emotional description of the ghetto.

    Lanzmann interviews many bystanders in public groups. He does not ask for their names or for detailed testimony. Of many bystanders he asks what they saw or heard, and whether they knew what was going on in the death camps. His questions reveal how little anyone saw or heard. They also reveal that people knew some of what was happening, but they did nothing. In Part 2 he talks to a group of Polish women in Grabow. Under his questions, they reveal that they did not like the Jewish women who used to live in Grabow because they were rich and beautiful and did not have to work. Another bystander, a man, reveals that he is happy that the Jews are gone, but would rather they had gone to Israel voluntarily than be exterminated. In an interview outside a Catholic church, with Simon Srebnik present, he encourages bystanders to talk about the Holocaust in terms of justice for the biblical killing of Jesus by the Jews.

    Perpetrators are those who were directly involved in orchestrating the Holocaust. All of the perpetrators that Lanzmann interviews are German. From these perpetrators, Lanzmann establishes a historical narrative. They give detailed, detached accounts of the workings of the Holocaust.

    In Part 2, Franz Schalling describes the workings of Chełmno where he served as a security guard. In Parts 1, 2 and 3, Franz Suchomel talks about the workings of Treblinka where he was an SS officer. In Part 3, Walter Stier, a former n**i bureaucrat, describes the workings of the railways. Sometimes their testimony becomes more personal. Schalling expresses sympathy for his Jewish victims, but Lanzmann moves him on. Lanzmann is also concerned with establishing their knowledge of the Holocaust. Many of his perpetrators assert their ignorance of what was going on. Suchomel claims that he did not know about extermination at Treblinka until he arrived there. Stier claims to have been too busy to find out that his trains were transporting Jews to their deaths. In each case, Lanzmann challenges their assertions of ignorance with relentless questions.

    Some subjects fail to fit neatly into any of the these three categories, like the courier to the Polish Government in Exile, Jan Karski. Karski, a Christian, sneaks into the Warsaw ghetto and then escapes to England to try to convince the Allied governments to intervene more strongly on behalf of the Jews, but fails in doing so.

  5. The Pianist.

    This is an article about the "Top 5" Holocaust films:

  6. Schindler's List......escape from Sobibor........"Anne Frank"

    (and many more, but I can't think of them)

  7. "Schindler's List"  was excellent.

  8. The Pianist

    Schindler's list

    The Counterfeiters

    Life is Beautiful


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