
What are some good names for kittens?

by  |  earlier

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these kittens of mine still look the same, they're mostly orange with 3 main patterns as follows: 2 are more solid orange/cream color, 2 are mainly tiger striped dark orange on light orange main color, and 2 have white/very light cream color stripes that look like big o's and flowing circles/half circles. . . the last one is a gray kitten we named Zen.

so my problem is since they sorta came in sets of 2 and they all are totally playful and you cant keep up with them. . . what are some good names for them and what are some good ways to tell each kitten of the set apart?





  1. tiger





    nilla (vanilla) lol

  2. Minut (don't know the spelling but its the French word for cat)

    How about Yang since you have zen?





  3. pumpkin, spice, sugar, bay, hazel, sage. . . yeah i like those herb/spices names. lol  

  4. Awww you've got kittens!

    Here's a list of cat and kitten names:

    You can "dab" different colors of nail polish (very carefully) on a nail of each kitten to tell them apart.  Please don't use different colored ribbons as collars, much too dangerous!

    Good Luck!

  5. gismo,charlie(short for charlotte)suki,nick,jodie,sooty,licky,to... and baby..also try putting different coloured collars on them, and not nail polish from the answer above..

    but usually when i see these type of question i answer by saying after you had the cat a few days,and they type of character they turn out to be, you will call them some sort of name that will stick,what ever you choose good luck...

    their is a saying though that a dog will come when called,but a cat will take a message and get back to you..

    and if you want the best seat in the house, move the cat.

    any way i have enclosed a couple of sites with a list of names.

  6. jojo

  7. I've grown up with kitties and I tend to like the names: Taffy (our cat's name right now), Abby, Pumpkin, and Precious for girls and Jersey, Prince, and Butterscotch for guys. You can tell each kitten apart by their personality and by the different colors and fur patterns that they have. You can also base their names off of their appearance and traits. Good luck with the kittens!  

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