
What are some good natural mood enhancers to improve depression?

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I meant supplements, such as Gingko, etc. What's the best vs. worst, fastest acting, safest, etc.




  1. sunlight!

    maye a happy fragrance, like citrus.

    a pet works wonders, too.

    try sitting outside or with the window open- instantly lifts my mood when the fresh air blows in my window. as long as its not too hot ;)

  2. Puppies.

  3. Laughter.


    Weed is good too.

    And, go outside.

  4. fruit?


    I don't know

    avocado's answer was really good!

  5. Exercise - I know it sounds like a drag, but when you're done with a cardiovascular workout, you feel rejuvenated, refreshed and it lifts your spirits like nothing else. It gets the blood flowing and the heart pumping and depression seems to dwindle away.

    Another good remedy I love is chocolate. This is an ancient Mayan remedy to counter melancholy. They drank chocolate as a health elixir as it symbolized life and fertility to them. I prefer to drink chocolate (hot cocoa) as the Mayans did, but eating it works just as well.


    you can get much information in this website, If you will check anyone blue link in website.

  7. Exercise -




    Venting out your emotions through art - whether that is writing, drawing, photography, etc - provides a healthy release to your negative emotions.

    Volunteering - helping others with problems can be humbling and make you realize that things aren't so bad for you.

    Listening to happy music

    Watching shows or movies that are light-hearted.

    Spending time with a support system such as friend or family.

    Even aromatherapy can beneficial

    Eating a healthy and balanced diet and making sure you are getting all of your vitamins

    Some herbal remedies:

    St. John's Wort

    5-HTP (though I took this for anxiety and I experienced one of it's potential side effects, which were the worst headaches I ever had)

    Siberian Ginseng - but do not take this too close to bed as it can cause insomnia..

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