
What are some good organizations for young christian men to look into to volunteer?

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I'm 21, a business major, a Republican, and a firm Christian/Conservative. What are some good political/lobbyist organizations to volunteer for? To clarify I'm not looking to push papers. I want to do something that helps but will also help out on my resume as well.




  1. peace corps

  2. Spend 1 day volunteering for the ACLU. Hear me out on this.

    The ACLU, a non-profit, public interest law firm takes on cases that have the possibility to weaken the US Constitution. That is all they do. They defend the Constitution. Sometimes that means taking cases that are wildly unpopular, but, in a free society, we have to defend all view points.

    I am not trying to turn you into a liberal. I am not poking fun at you. I am a liberal Christian and a member of the ACLU. Looking at all sides of a debate, experiencing the work that an organization like the ACLU does will make you a stronger Christian and a more well-rounded individual.

    Then go join the Federalist Society and network that group to get a great job!

  3. Go through your church, they should tell you of plenty. Unless you're looking for something strictly political then call the RNC in your county.

  4. nafta

  5. The Salvation Army, maybe at a garage sale or at a church.

  6. The office of Larry Flynt.

  7. There are a lot of civic groups that help the community and in turn support each other. Some are: The Rotary, The Lions Club, The Civitans. They do a lot of good.

  8. Habitat for Humanity is a great organization. I know that Pres. Carter wasn't Republican but has based his charities on Christian values and they are respected everywhere for the work they do. You can build houses or work on committees.

  9. Goodwill, Salvation Army, and Volunteers of America.

  10. YMCA

  11. I would say UNICEF or United Nations to help African Nations to get rid of poverty.

    But you dont need to go so far, you can go to charity houses closed to your home, orphanates, and hospitals to do a such lovely action.

  12. y m c a

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