
What are some good pageant talent competition dance song ideas?

by  |  earlier

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I'm in a pageant this month, and I am in the talent competition. I am a dancer and need a song idea. I need something upbeat that will excite the judges. Remember, this is a hip hop or dirty language! Something I can have fun with and show lots of different facial expressions and a good beat!





    well first you have to figure out what kind of style u like.After u choose that put some moves togther and u have ur routine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. supermodel by hilary duff also none as the covergirls song!!!!

  3. try something from hairspray!!!!!!!!! i love that musical and its super up beat and exciting

  4. i prefer hip pop thats clean and age appriot for a 11 year old

  5. Im doing Hey Mickey for my pageant! (:

  6. You could dance to "Party In The USA" by Miley Cyrus?

  7. You should try remember the name look it up on youtube it is amazing

  8. Okay, so for my pageant I did Dont Rain on My Parade from Funny Girl, but I have also heard not for the Life of Me from Thoroughly Modern Millie, Show Off from Drowsy Chaperone or Dancing Through Life from Wicked. I hope this helps. Otherwise, either pick a Broadway show you love and pick a good upbeat song or look at the ensemblearts channel on youtube. Their a dance studio in south jersey and if you look at some of the solos you may a get a few ideas. Good luck!

  9. Dance to Beyonce's single ladies

  10. hey mickey!

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