
What are some good papers to post in to ask for investers for a new invention?

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What are some good papers to post in to ask for investors for a new invention, and what would be a good way to say it without giving away any info that they could use to steal my idea.

I do not have a patent yet.

I know the idea is good. and a family member is willing to help me with the business parts, since I don't know anything about business, and she has had a small restaurant before, (it failed because she had to work the hours the building owner wanted instead of the hours she wanted, it would still be open if she could have worked the hours she wanted)

I need to find financial backers that are willing to risk investing in something new, and I have to prove that I am serious about it before she will help me.

I'm in the usa

"If you do not know, go to those that do"... always good advice, so I am asking those that do.




  1. Dude I think we are sailing in the same boat. I do also have an invention which requires funding.

    If i am not mistaken you are also looking for funds to develop your invention and then launch it. Well let me tell you. Thats very difficult.

    Primarily nobody (VC(venture capitalist) or angel investors or banks) will not fund your product until and unless you have a blue print or develop your invention and give them a demo.

    Once you develop a blue print you can either approach them or try out certain other companies that specialize in integrating the parts and executing your plan. Once this is done you can apply for patent. Depending the on the feasibility of your invention you might apply for patent rights after having a solid blue prints.

    Depending on what product you have you might end up using various technologies which you might not be familiar with now.

    So you might want to find out about the various technology involved and start contacting the right people.

    As for the question if others might steal your idea or invention. Yes the chances are high especially if you approach them without the product or either blueprint. If you have the blue print you have have some sort of contract before approaching the Angel investors or VC's.

  2. Write a business plan, then get a copy of "Pratt's Guide To Venture Capital", available at any good reference library. VCs almost always sign NDAs (non-disclosure agreements), so theft of your idea is not a concern. The patent(s) will not help to protect your idea, but WILL help boost the value of your company, not to mention look good on your resume. So the time to file a patent is after the first round financing has been obtained, but before going into full production.

    There is no point in advertising in the paper, that is a good way to get your idea ripped off!

    As to getting business advice from a family member with a proven track record of failure - is this really smart? Why did she not ask about permitted business hours BEFORE leasing the building?

    Free advice is seldom cheap!

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