
What are some good passtimers on a VERY LONG Drive???

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I am going on a 24hr drive from Toronto Canada to Orlando Florida, I am 15 And a Male. I have a DS Lite, PSP, And Portable DVD Player along with a iPod... PLEASE HELP!!!




  1. There are many things that a family or other group can do.  The best thing is to plan on adding in scenic things to stop and see on the drive.  This does two things, first it breaks up the drive into smaller parts so it doesn't seem so long, plus it gives everyone something shared and new to talk about.

    Another thing to do is puzzle books and such, Mad-Libs were my favorite thing to do in the car.  I would have the book and ask everyone in the car for the words and then read back to everyone what the result was.  It was something that took a long time to get old.  

    There are the games you can play with license plates, trying to work your way through the alphabet.  It is ok for younger kids but as a 15 yr old it may be boring.  

    My best suggestion would be to find things that you and another passenger like that you can share.  Remember trips like that are to make memories, if you have 15 hours you might as well see if you can make memories of that time as well as the reason for the trip.

    I remember taking a trip from Calif to Canada for the Worlds Fair one year, I have a few memories of the Fair but more of the trip as we stopped at many places and had lots of fun just being together.

  2. Get some Unisom (or any other sleep aid).  Take a good, long sleep then wake up when you get there.  ;)

  3. Games and movies are OK, but the best thing for long drives is to get books on CD (or download to iPod).  Listening to an audio book makes the time fly on a long trip.  I do it when driving long distances, too!  And, you may learn something, too.  Hey - if you know of a long book for school this year, get it on CD or something, and listen to it now!  But get the unabridged version, not a shortened version.

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