
What are some good penalties at the end of strip poker game?

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Our group of 3 young married couples has gradually gotten into strip poker games. At first we stopped at underwear, then we played "all the way". We have lots of good clean fun --nothing sexual about it, just s**y. We have played enough games that everyone has been naked in front of the others at least one time, ( my best fiend & neighbor has lost ALL at least four times HA HA) We are kind of competitive and the novelty is wearing off. We've played several variations and just the fact someone (or 2 or 3) had to strip all the way no longer seems to be enough of a penalty for losing--it's still embarrassing to be the LOSER but slighty less so to have to be naked after you've done it a couple times. We need suggestions for punishment for the loser(s) after they lose all clothing. Nothing sexual or nasty but it needs to be challenging. One gal has refused to agree to spanks for the loser which was our first & only idea. Please let us in on some not too over the top forfeits.




  1. Spankings are about the best one, your friend doesn't have to like it...that's why it's called a PENALTY.  Streaking either in a car driving around or outside somewhere.  The loser(s) might have to stay completely naked for 2 or 3 hours or whatever.  A good dare for women is being required to remove her panties out from under her skirt at someplace like a restaurant or movie or dance, etc, etc. OR getting a spanking (bare?) someplace odd like a parking lot.  That's a few quick ideas, have fun.

  2. If 1 person doesn't want spanks as a penalty and 5 are willing, what's the problem? Majority should be able to make the rules (within reason).  Are a few playful smacks on the bare rump really worst than being totally naked?? Or worst than whatever penalty might be suggested in these answers?

    Surely not.   I'm thinking the 5 of you ought to drag her into the backyard, strip her, bend her over the picnic table and show her what spanking is !!!!   I'll try to come withsome GOOD penalties and get back to you.

  3. Once 3 (or 4 ?) players lose all clothes & game is over,you could hide all the loser's clothes & undies scattered all thru the house.  Give the group x nr of minutes to find as many articles of their own as they can. They can put on what they find provided they found their underpants.  They stay in the state of dress/undress that results for x time.  You can adjust the time frames based on how little you want them to get to put on and how long you want to punish them.                             Also for guy losers, have a gal tie a narrow ribbon "on him" to display for x time..... or have a gal pair up opposite ea guy nude loser& tie as many bows "on him" in x time.....Gal with most tied ribbons wins!

  4. Take a picture of the nude person and e-mail it to me …. Just kidding.

    Take a picture of the nude person and have it posted somewhere on the wall, the person has to “win” his/her picture back.

  5. One time my sister lost a bet & had to put her panties & bra on over her clothes and walk around the mall (outside) & did she ever walk fast! It was pretty funny & might work for you, Then when back home the loser could have too remove all clothes (again!) & might have to be naked 30 min or ?? before putting clothes back on.   I also think a spanking  is a good punishment, but should not hurt overly much.

  6. once they are naked, they start adding their partners clothing (of the oposite s*x)

    i agree wiht the spanking idea, its PENALTY you arnt supposed to liek it, just enforce the rule and tell her to shut up and take it, shel probibly liek it anyways, also they are couples as you say, so im sure there will be no hard feelings.

  7. You could be forced to go out in public naked.

    Or if not that extreme, with underwear

  8. Whichever one refused to agree to the spanks, tell her that I'll volunteer to take her spanks when she loses.

  9. We r also 3 young marrieds who like the idea of Strip poker, but r so far too shy to take off that last article. And the guys r as shy or more so than the girls, but we r all loosening up bit by bit.  At 1st losing meant u just have on underpants. That didn't seem much of a penalty, and since the game didn't end until 3 player lost, 1st & 2nd losers had to drop out and  wait.  So, we too needed penalties so everyone would stay in til the end and also, the more times u lost the more u paid the price.    Now after u r in just panties or shorts & lose the next time u get swats from ur spouse, with everyone watching!  2nd loss: swats from ea member of opp s*x.  3rd: swats from all players.  Then the 4th time or more the spouse takes the loser into the next room, then comes back out with loser's underpants to prove she/he is naked inside.They get hung on door k**b.  Then behind closed door, while the other players gather around to heckle & hear the bare swats being administered inside,  the naked loser is "punished"..Loser gets undies back on before coming back out. Game ends when 3 losers have visited the punishment room at least once. It's a pretty interesting game. Except that I have been in that penalty room far more times than anyone else!!!    We'll graduate to the REAL game b4 long.  Hope to see some tips in Answers.

  10. You sound like a fun group.  Before the game starts, have everyone write one or two punishments and put them in a jar.  In addition to being naked for the remainder of the game, the loser will have to draw a punishment from the jar and do what it says.  That way, they won't get crazy because you might end up drawing your own punishment and you can also include spanking as one of them.  She could just draw again if she chooses it.  

    Some ideas for punishments include:

    1.  Getting dressed again and performing a full striptease with music for the entire group.  The dance must include two minutes fully naked!  It is a little more embarrassing to have to dance naked for a group instead of just take your clothes off in front of them.

    2.  Perform the song, "I'm a little teapot" complete with arm movements.

    3.  Tell the group the last time you had s*x with your partner and the last time you had an o****m.  See if the dates match or if someone has been having some solo time.

    4.  The loser has to be the waiter/waitress for the rest of the night serving drinks and snacks to everyone.  They must remain naked while serving.

    5.  The loser has to have their picture taken with a bag over their head.  You could write the date on the photo and keep a record of who lost each time.

    6.  Drink a shot of tequila and tabasco sauce mixed together.

    7.  Have people bring over their clothes that need to be ironed and the loser has to iron everyone else's clothes while being naked.  You might allow just their underwear in case the iron is hot.  People shouldn't bring too many because they might end up ironing their own clothes and then more.

    8.  For the next game, order pizza or other takeout food to be delivered.  The loser has to answer the door naked or in their underwear so the driver can see.  If they can get five dollars off, then they get extra clothes for the game that night.  naked.  It is really embarrassing for the guys!

    9.  The loser has to go one full day, to work, to school, to the grocery store, around the house, etc, without their underwear.  This must be verified by their partner.

    Have fun!

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