
What are some good pets that wont make the house dirty or smell?

by  |  earlier

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i want to get a pet that wont smell or be dirty or make the house dirty, i dont want a fish or lizard, or bird.




  1. Really, you can't get an pet that wont produce a certain amount of bad smell and dirty your house. It's pretty much impossible.

    All animals smell to some degree. Rats, mice dogs... Cats don't actually smell themselves, but their poo does!

    All animals poo and loose hair or feathers. If you clean up regularly enough it is manageable and doesn't actually cause a problem. Clean the kitty litter every day (sometimes more the once a day), pick up your dog's poos, vacuum up the dropped hair, clean out the cage etc etc

    But you sound like you want a pet which doesn't cause these problems in the first place. All I can say is that if you're not ready too put a lot of work into your pet then you really aren't ready to get a pet.

    If you think you are ready then remember that if you regularly clean your house, the area your animal poos and also where they eat and make sure you keep up with your pet's personal hygiene then you can have a pet and a clean house.

    Also... I know you said you don't want a bird anyway, but just as a warning, do not let anyone tell you they are easy to care for an clean. I have birds and as much as I love them, they most certainly are NOT.

  2. Hamsters or any other small animals that can live in cages. Just make sure u keep their cages clean from time to time.

  3. Any pets can make a house dirty or smell if the owner does not take time to keep after it. If you do not mind cleaning up litter then a cat might be a good option. Plus, they make those really fancy litter boxes that help to clean themselves if you want to buy one.  If you do not mind cleaning a cage,

    Hedgehogs, guinea pigs, chinchillas, etc. might be nice but you would have to keep up on their mess.

    A well trained, well bathed puppy might do the trick.  

    A snake?

  4. you could get a cat maybe a pitbull dog , a mice maybe umm

  5. then you diffinity dont want gerbils or rabbits. they have pellets or littler in there cage that they use as bedding and a potty. Cats are very clean anaimals but you would have to deal with a littler box unless you made it an outside cat. i wouldnt advise a dog though. i think an outdoor cat would be good, unless you live near buissy streets. If you do then i would advise just not getting a pet.

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