
What are some good places to sell my photographs online?

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I just starting photograhy a few months ago. I was wondering what are some good places that I can sell my photos online? Would it be best if I sell the JPEG image as a download from my website? Or would it be best to sell 20x30 enlargements at a higher price? The only thing bad with that is that I will have more costs involved.

What about microstock sites? I tried that but only .30 per each sold doesnt do very well at all and thats if they accept the photo.




  1. I agree with the one other person who has mentioned shutterstock, but I'll give you a little more information so that you know more about this stock photo site. Shutterstock is a great, legitimate website, where you can sell photos, vectors, and videos. I know that it is a legitimate site because I sell my photos there, so I am telling you this from experience. Plus, the great part is that it is free to sell your photos on shutterstock. While the only con is that you have to have good photos to get approved (this really isn't all that hard after a little practice), the benefits are tremendous. I know people who make $500 a month on Shutterstock. And you don't have to be a professional photographer either. I am an amateur photographer with a point and shoot camera, and I can still make a reasonable amount of money on Shutterstock. You'll be surprised by how fast your earnings add up.  If you want to find out more or sign up, click on this link: And remember, since this is a free site, you have absolutely nothing to lose.

    P.S. Feel free to e-mail me with any questions.

  2. try national geographic online

  3. in my opinion, it's best to sell files - you don't have initial costs to sustain and less work is involved for every picture you sell

    i tried to sell pictures through my website but i had only a few visitors and it didn't work very well - then i started to sell pictures online through microstock agencies and it's far better - of course they take a percentage on your sales but they have huge amounts of visitors and sales are very good

    I've tried most of those listed here:

    my best earners are shutterstock (first place) and fotolia (second place)

    dreamstime and 123rf are only selling some pictures now and then for me; the other ones even less;

    it may seem that microstock sites like these sell pics at very low prices, but what counts is quantity, you will sell the same pictures many times as royalty free, and - unless you choose esclusivity - you can even sell the same pics at more sites

    in total I earn about 400$/month with a few hundred pictures online but the more you upload the more you sell

    i would suggest to register to both fotolia and shutterstock; on shutterstock you must pass an initial test after registration, but it's really worth the effort since it sells quite more than all the other sites including fotolia

    the other sites, maybe it's not worth your time;

    don't be discouraged by initial rejections, you will quickly learn which pictures they want

    subscription to all is free

    they will pay you with paypal

  4. Photoshelter or you own web site

  5. is a wonderful site to sell all types of art including photography =)


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