
What are some good poems and puns and nonsense poems?

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i need some really good poems with some similies and metaphors and some puns and nonesnes poems and some shape poems and other good ones please add some and the one with the best gets 10 points plus i will open another question and as soon as they put that in i will give them another 10 ok xoxox




  1. For a nonsense poem, I really like Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll.

    'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves

    Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:

    All mimsy were the borogoves,

    And the mome raths outgrabe.

    "Beware the Jabberwock, my son!

    The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!

    Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun

    The frumious Bandersnatch!"

    He took his vorpal sword in hand:

    Long time the manxome foe he sought --

    So rested he by the Tumtum tree,

    And stood awhile in thought

    And as in uffish thought he stood,

    The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,

    Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,

    And burbled as it came!

    One, two! One, two! and through and through

    The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!

    He left it dead, and with its head

    He went galumphing back.

    "And hast thou slain the Jabberwock?

    Come to my arms, my beamish boy!

    O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!"

    He chortled in his joy.

    'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves

    Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:

    All mimsy were the borogoves,

    And the mome raths outgrabe.

  2. The grand master in this field was Ogden Nash.

  3. Yeah...what about funny poems!

    My Chipmunk Loves Nuts

    My chipmunk loves nuts;

    He eats them everyday.

    He even tried to juggle them

    and kicked them yesterday.

    He brings them everywhere he goes

    in his spacious cheek.

    He even spat the nuts at me

    to hurt my nose, last week.

    He expects me to bake a

    nut cake for his birthday.

    He even tried to build on his tree

    a nut-made cafe.

    Do you know what will happen if I

    ruin his nut-made huts?

    He will get really mad at me

    and of course, he’ll drive me nuts.

    -- by Gloson Teh(me)


    Sam's mother was asking Sam to study

    to prepare for his test.

    "Studying is too boring,"  he said,

    "I’d rather join a drawing contest."

    “Study,” Said his mom again,

    “Don’t play your computer game.

    If you do you’re going to regret it

    and you’ll be in such a shame.”

    His mom kept on pursuing him,

    until he went to bed.

    Tomorrow was Sam's test

    but he got rocks in his head.

    Sam went to school the next day;

    He was nervous and scared.

    He blindly did his test;

    He was not prepared.

    He received his report book;

    He got 4 E's and a D.

    His mom said, “For a year

    no computer and KFC!”

    -- by Gloson Teh(me)

    I'm a Vegetable

    I'm a vegetable, some grapes

    and two quite large potatoes.

    I am a carrot, an onion,

    and two not so big tomatoes.

    I'm two bananas, two apples,

    and two slices of cheese bread.

    I'm a watermelon that is

    as big as your head.

    I'm two oranges, two pears

    which are delicious juicy fruits.

    I am also a lotus, which means

    you can eat my roots.

    I'm all these food

    because I am what I eat

    from my watermelon head

    to my banana feet.

    -- by Gloson Teh

    Hunting for an Elephant

    I was hunting for an elephant.

    I searched in many lands

    while the sticky grass and dirt

    stick on my feet and hands.

    There were giraffes,

    some lions and a rhino,

    a bison and an ostrich,

    and a hungry armadillo.

    At last, I found an elephant

    which was lying on the grass.

    I picked up my gun and shot it;

    dragging it was very crass.

    I put it on my truck

    and I drove across the bridge.

    And now my question is:

    How to put it in the fridge?

    -- by Gloson Teh

    The Monster

    One sunny day, when I escaped from school,

    I met a monster which was starting to drool.

    It looked at me and licked its lips

    and used its hands to grab my hips.

    It stared at me and rubbed its tummy.

    It licked its lips; then it said, “Yummy!”

    I stared at it and perspired in fear

    as the monster smiled and shook its rear.

    It tossed me high up to the air;

    I thought I was having a nightmare.

    I screamed and shouted as I sank

    into its yucky mouth which really stank.

    The monster tasted me and said, “Yucky!”

    It spat me out; I was quite lucky.

    I flew out of the monster’s mouth

    like a cannonball; I was heading south.

    I thought it would be my last,

    but I landed at the entrance of my class.

    And because I escaped from my school,

    my teacher whacked me like a fool.

    --by Gloson Teh

    What the Principal Said

    "You can have as much

    food as you like.

    You can bring to school

    your mountain bike

    "You can do whatever

    you like at school.

    You can run in class,

    you can laugh like a fool."

    Screams and shouts

    and 'hoorays' are heard

    when the principal nearly

    completed his word.

    "You can do anything;

    There are no rules!

    And one more thing:

    April Fools!"

    --by Gloson Teh

    Creeping out of Class

    Math is so boring I crept

    out of my classroom.

    I had to be careful not to

    fall down with a 'boom!'

    In a minute, I would be

    out of school; you could tell.

    But I was distracted by a

    nice and tasty smell.

    The lunch lady was making

    'Delicious Dessert Supreme'

    and put in chocolate nuts

    and strawberry cream!

    I was running to the smell

    faster and faster.

    Then I bumped into someone –

    It was the headmaster!

    He looked angrily at me

    since I got his attention,

    and that is how I ended

    up in detention.

    --by Gloson Teh

    You want more? Go to my website:

  4. Nonsense

    politicians don't lie,

    promises a pigs eye,

    to do or try,

    we know why,

    mothers cry,

    life a lie,

    we never die

    the rich get poorer,

    the poor get richer,

    they call you mister,

    meet an alien visitor,

    better odds with a twister

    sale means craving

    taxing promotes saving,

    bathing then shaving,

    road workers paving,

    preachers raving,

    neighbors waving

    the economy is sound,

    taxes equal all around

    the President crowned,

    craters upside down mounds,

    job security, solid ground

    education improving,

    students deluding

    teachers intruding,

    nothing profound,

    archaic sound

    foolishness abound,

    unstable ground,

    wherever nonsense is found

    Mc McGovern

  5. For  a whole armful of very silly verse go to and look up Spike Milligan.

    You can also try Roger Mcgough, they're not all funny but they are very good.

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