
What are some good practice drills for upcoming volleyball tryouts?

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im trying out for vball and am hoping to make my highschool's JV team. what are some drills and good practicing techniques to do? Also what are some good excercises to get in shape?




  1. the other answer sounded like it came from someone who thinks they have knowledge, but in fact they appear to be lacking.

    Serving: work on service placement, weather its overhand underhand or backwards hand, if you can place the serve, it will mess teams up..

    Passing, have someone throw or pass the ball to you, work on taking digs, passing to yourself never happens in volleyball so "practicing" passing to yourself is bad for you.

    Setting: work on transistioning from a blocker to a setter, just standard line up setting is nice, but again, you never get that pass that you don't have to move for, working on transisition setting will improve all aspects of your setting game.

    Hitting: work on approach the proper 4 step approach is were the entire hit starts. If you don't know how to approach a set, you'll be in trouble, JV level setters are very inconsistant, so a proper approach to the ball is crucial

    Cardio, here is the only drill in my library that I am willing to hand out to yahoo answers: ( i have created over 100 on my own and will only share them to the kids/adults that we coach)

    It's called the 12 stop express and should be done without a vball until you have OUTSTANDING ball control.

    Player begins with pretend serve, moves to right defense and digs an air ball, sidestepping to back middle player air sets a deep ball off the block, then side steps to left defense, player then takes proper 4 or 3 step(middle) approaches for all 3 front row hitting spots, then switches sides of net, player attempts 3 blocks, 1 at each postion in front row, player then fakes a pass in right defensive postion, middle back and left defense.

    Player then walks briskly back to starting point and repeats the drill ( after 3 reps grab a drink and repeat, or go have some fun.

    This 1 drill gives every player a very quick reminder of what to do in every position on the floor.

    Once the skill level of the players improves enough, add the vball, and see how many of your teammates can make it too all 12 spots.

  2. do wall jumps and wall sits to work on your calfs and quads. ab muscles are also very important. arm muscles are actually not used as much as your abs in hitting and serving. you should bump the ball with yourself. try to get 50-100 hits without it dropping to work on hand eye coordination. those are very basic. you should also work on serving (overhand, not underhand)(unless you have an awesome underhand). that's the basics. you could also do a yahoo search for stuff.

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