
What are some good prank calls i can make?

by  |  earlier

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What stores or restaurants can i prank call and what can i say?




  1. Call a restaurant and start swearing in German.

  2. call pizza hut,

    say, omg you answered!!!

    omg is this really drake bell (or whoever you want)

    they say um no this is pizza hut.

    Ignore everything they say. Like if they say 'hi how can i help you" just say omg u answered k. Just ignore everything they say and keep going with the prank

    ive been trying to call forever

    "um im sorry this is a pizza restraunt, would you like to order?"

    say no i just wanna talk to you! man i love you

    "um, no would you like to order a pizza?"

    YOU mean order pizza, like on a date?, with you!! OMG I CANT BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING!! ahhh!!!

    I have to tell ALL MY FREINDS!! (hang up).

    or you can keep going with the prank, as long as you want lol.  

  3. Go to and put in prank calls. There are a few funny ones.

  4. Me and my friends got the phone book and then put lots of funny prank call ideas in a hat and then picked one at random and then called every store in the mall. Here are some of the prank calls I had to do.


    STORE PERSON: Garage. How can I help you?

    ME: do you like know what time you guys like close or whatever.

    STORE PERSON: 9 oclock

    ME: that PM or AM

    STORE PERSON: 9 oclock PM

    ME: Hold that at night or in the morning.

    STORE PERSON: at night

    ME: Alright then...I'll come by aroung 10-ish

    STORE PERSON: NO...I said it closes at 9

    ME: Ya...I know. And I said I'd be there at 10

    STORE PERSON: OK but nobody will be here.

    ME: Why not?

    STORE PERSON: Because we close at 9

    ME: THen why will noone be there at 10?

    STORE: Fine then...I'll see you at 10. (laughing)


    STORE PERSON: New York Fries

    ME: Yes, do you happen to have any  size DD 40 bras in stock?

    STORE PERSON: This is New York Fries...I think you have the wrong number.

    ME: Okay...I guesss I'll try Taco Bell

    STORE PERSON: Well, good luck

    ME: Thankyou, bye

    >>LITTLE KID<<

    STORE PERSON: Reitmans, how can I help you

    ME: (really quiet)

    STORE PERSON: Sorry, what's that.

    ME: Do it's not to much you...


    ME: Do you have school musical barbies?

    STORE PERSON: No, I  think you have the wrong number. This is Reitmans. We only sell clothes.

    ME: oh...sorry...i...(*sniffle*)...i was..(*starting to cry*)...i was trying to call Sears.

    STORE PERSON: Oh that's fine sweetie. It happens all the time. Don't feel bad.

    ME: Goodbye



    Easter parade (ask what time the easter parade is at. It's funniest in the middle of august or some other time nowhere near easter)

    Library (put on a southern accent and ask the person if they have any books onf Airplanes. Pretend you were trying to call the library and you called the wrong number.)

    Is Jake there? (When they pick up ask if Jake, or some other person, is here. The funniest time was when there was actually someone named Jake at the store and they were like Hello and I was like "Ya...this is Karen,"  and he was going crazy and was like "who the H*** is Karen." and then we just hung up)

    Girl fight (This only works if a girl answers the phone so call a place that most of the employees are teenage girls. When they pick up the phone yell "How could you do that to me" they'll be all confused and you just keep yelling saying stuff like "I saw you with Greg at the movies. I thought we were friends, Meaghan. you leave Greg alone and don't try calling me back because we're so not friends anymore." and then thy'll be like "OK who is t his" and you just say  it's Leah or something random and they'll be like I think you have the wrong number. and just be like isn't this Meaghan. and they'll say no and then just be like sorry and hang up.)

    this is a recording(When they pick up say in a robotic voice, "This is a recording. Hi. My name is Sue. Would you mind answering a few questions? (pause for the answer) if they say that they would mind be like "Too must answer these questions. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH." if they say that they wouldn't mind then ask them a bunch of questions like these: What is your favourite brand of socks? When was the last time you used the bathroom? Do you enjoy long walks on the beach? How many times have you dyed your hair? If they keep playing along you can start making the questions stupider and stupider. ex. What time of the night do you enjoy having a midnight snack? What shape are the wheels on you car? How many fingers am I holding up? If they play along for the whole time at the end you can ask Is your fridge running? if they say yes then yell really loud 'Then you better go catch it." and then laugh hysterically. You get a really funny reaction)

    Santa (When the person picks up be like "OMG I"m on the phone with Santa. Come here Sandy. Say Hi to santa." the person will be so confused but pretend like your giving the phone to someone and then put on a kiddish voice and be like "Santa. for christmas I want a LG Shine Cell Phone, a pink ipod nano, an apple laptop, a green camera, and some pony stickers. But no presents for Marshall because he pinched me." Then wait a bit and put on your normal voice. The person will be so confused and  then just say. "Isn't this the Santa Hotline? My bad!")

    Frank (THIS IS A CLASSIC. Call in your normal voice and ask for Frank. Every time they say there's nobody with that name hang up and then call again with a differant voice keep doing that until finally you call and say...this is Frank...Were there any calls for me? Another funny twist is keep calling asking for frank and if the person picks up and says Let me guess. you're calling for frank. be like "no...actually I was wondering what time you closed at but I think I'll come by another day/ know...when you aren't there." its pretty funny)

    Quartet (you need 4 people. When they answer the phone start singing. One person lowest and they keep getting higher "Hello, hello, hello, hello." Then starting singing stuff like "What time do you close o what time do you close..cuz we really really really need to know what time you close. I can guarentee you that the person will know it's a prank call but the reaction is hilarious)

    Audition (Say, "I have prepared my audition. Here it is..."play the karaoke version of a funny song like from High School Musical or something and then put it on speakerphone and sing really badly and thump on the ground with your feet so it sound's like your dancing. Then make a huge crash noise and be like I'm okay...I just tripped over the cord. The person will be like "Why are you singing?" just be like isn't this the Canada's top singers competition phone audition hotline? Aren't you Frankie? Then get all upswt and start hyperventilating. Then say..."I'm's just a wrong number. I'll deal....Phew." Then hang up. Ya...I know it's random but it's funny)

    That's pretty much all I can think of right now. Remember to use *67 so they can't see the caller idea nd be carefull

    Note: use at your own risk...i am not responsible for anyone getting caught, getting in trouble, etc.

  5. call a hearing aide company and be like what?, huh?, i cant hear you!


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