
What are some good pranks for 7th grade revenge?

by  |  earlier

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im in 7th grade and am being teased because i had...a bad year in 6th grade. im looking for some good ideas for revenge like itching powder, sneezing powder, and other stuff i cant get in trouble for at school. Any ideas???




  1. i prefer 2 Punch/kick/slap/kill people ..muhahahahahahahahah.. revenge is stupid but, i wud suggest to find some inside info then use it against them!! muhah

  2. Revenge has no more quenching effect on emotions than salt water has on thirst.

    -Walter Wekler

  3. The greatest revenge is forgiveness :-)

    (plus pranks are a little immature.. and it's usually the second person that gets caught ;-) lol)

  4. the old drawing pin on the seat works wonder for a small time bully. but if u wanna really do some damage (mentally or physically) go for the whole ringing up their home fone and use the old "your gonna die in seven days" use a payphone so they cant trace ur number, use something to distort ur voice. do this a couple of times a week! haha.

    if that dont take ur fancy whoopie cushions are a laugh and u could always try to get the person caught in an incriminating postition, i.e get u or 1 of ur mates to pretend to b hurt and blame him/her. if u dont like that telling everyone u no and trust to blank (not speak to) him/her that really mess's them up (haha). spreading a rumor about them ALWAYS    works, such as, "did u know that *****(watevr his/her name is) still wears Y-fronts"or" did u know that ****** sleeps with his/her cuddly toys still"

    follow these tips and u are sure to have the teaser humiliated in an instant!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAH MUHAHAHAHA w0000000000t!  

  5. The best way to fight meanness is with kindness. It will drive em nuts. Pretend to be really sweet to people and if they make a bad remark smile and comment them!(nice)

  6. put a fake love letter in his or her locker. hope u get ur revenge

  7. Give them a sentimental card but don't sign it or give any indication where it came from.  The suspense will be revenge.

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