
What are some good pranks to pull on people-friends, parents, siblings...etc?

by  |  earlier

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just asking...i just wanna have a little we can all laugh about it later ;)




  1. unscrew the showerhead and put in a pack of powders Kool Aid, preferably a funky color like green or purple. when they take that nice shower, they will most likely be stained for a little while.

    another good one:

    get a video camera and take video of the bathroom aimed at the toilet for like 10 min. next time there is a party or anything, when someone goes into the bathroom, pop the video in and tell everyone to start cracking up. when that person comes out of the bathroom, they will be embarassed as h**l.

  2. switch sugar for salt then ppl put salt on their cereal

    put a ketchup packet under the toilet seat

    put a rubber band around the spray nozzle on the kitchen sink

  3. if they have a car then put flour in the vent on the dash board then turn the ac or heater on full blast and turn the vents towrd the driver seat so when they turn the car on they get a face full of flour its hellarious

  4. I love wrapping syran wrap over the toilet seat, works every time.

    OR rubber band around the sprayer on the sink and recording it to have their face captured forever!


  5. Google it.

  6. get a bag of bird food and sprinkle it all over their lawn. They will have birds swarming their lawn. :D

  7. He he. I love pranks! If you have any of those carpets that have the teeth things on the bottom of it...turn it over to the pokey side. Then when people come in tell them to take off there shoes then they will steep on the pokey part! I  did that once. It was SO funny!

  8. yell surprise no more kids for you...and punch your dad in the nuts

  9. I used to be quite the prankster...

    I would boil all eggs but 1....then see who got it.

    Or one time in my husbands lunch pail, I put the picture of the Bologna instead of the real thing in the sandwich.

    Then one time I put sandwich cheese in a sandwich but left the plastic on it.

    Then I would but Vaseline under their car door handle.

    Or Vick's salve in the crotch of this underwear.

    Put on a ugly Halloween mask and scratch at the windows and have the kids go to see what it was and scare the bejesus out of them.

    Toss ice water on them while they were taking a hot shower...

    I have since kind of out grown it.... my family is probably happy.

    Just things that were not harmful but surprising!

  10. My favorite has always been the rubber snake in the freezer gag.  Hahaha

  11. rearrange the keyboard keys on their cpu... lol

  12. A friend of mine brought a f**t machine to school. During class, we were doing our bell work and my friend let off the f**t machine. It was quiet and everything. We were laughing hysterically. The teacher looked at us funny.

  13. saran wrap under the toilet seat, above the porcelain.

    if it's well disguised, it's a  

  14. put plastic wrap over the toilet

  15. 4 the coffee put flour in the creamer and salt in the sugar and it will taste really bad and rubber band the sprayer nozzle so when they try to turn on the water it will spray them in th face


    its really funny on april fools day... and it works!  

  16. |Well last night my sister and my qod sister they drew on our faces with markers why we were alseeeep u can do that or take on of those things that a surange fill it up with water and stand over them and drip drip drip drop the water or u could misplace somethinq of theres on purpoose have them lookinq for it all weeek

  17. When they are sleeping get a bucket of warm water and put there hand in it. It will make them have a reaction. ( the reaction is that they will pee)

    Its so funny


  18. set their alarm clock for really early when they go to bed and put squirty cream on it

    when they wake up and try to turn it off theyl put their hand straight into the cream!

  19. this is really old but its still funny. Wait till their asleep and put whipped cream in their hand, rub a feather in their face, and POW! Whipped Cream Face! >D Doing it to siblings is the most fun!

  20. murder them.

  21. tape them secretly doing something they deny. for example, i always had suspicions that my brother wore some makeup, but he denied it, and i caught him on tape! its so funny to watch it. but make sure you hide the camera!

  22. take some scotch tape and tape the end of the toilet paper roll down, so when somebody goes to the bathroom they just keep on spinning and spinning and spinning and they don't know whats wrong or why it won't come out. i tried that and it was pretty funny.

  23. you could do the basic stuff, like flush the toilet while someones in the shower, or print out a picture of a very ugly man and tell your little sister thats what she looked like as a baby (as long as you have a little sister).

    for really good ideas, google practical jokes.

  24. have corn flakes and water in your mouth and when you guys are like watching t.v or something and shes not looking at you pretend to puke on him/ works it you don't take or anything... or you can get a whole bunch of old news papers and tape them on the outside of there room so when they open there door they will walk right in to the news paper... or you can use saran wrap...

  25. If someone is drinking something, or takes something out and leaves the room, hide it! It was a common joke while I was growing up, effin hilarious!  You get to watch the person look confused and then look around.  

  26. Kool Aide in the shower.  Just s***w the shower cap off, pour powdered kool aide in it (don't use red though, it scares people) and s***w the cap back on.  The next time someone takes a shower the water will come out coloured.

    Can also change out coffee stuff.  Replace powdered creamer with flour and sugar with salt.

    I froze all my sister's underwear into blocks of ice once.  

  27. i saw this on the office and don't know if its really possible but...putting an item (on the office it was a stapler) inside a jello mold.  So take something one of your friends really like and put into a jello mold.

  28. heres a website.

    if they have a computer go on this website

    if not then wait till they are asleep do whipped cream or warm water in hand

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