
What are some good products for thick hair?

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My hair is thick, layered, and naturally curly. I would like to learn how to straighten my hair better, but some products don't work for me. Whenever I'm at the hairstylist I notice that whenever she is done washing my hair, she rubs on some kind of liquid on my hair, that for me seems to help.Does anyone know what that product would be? And also, What are some good products for thick hair?

here is what i'm looking for


Good thick hair straightener (possibly one that you can switch settings to curl, crimp, or just straight hair)

Good smoother spray/moisturizer

Hair curler, without the frizz but good curls hair good

Good Products for Scrunching hair

Or anything else that would make my styling a lot easier!!




  1. The product she probably is putting on is a smoothing serum. A great option is John Friedas Heat Therapy serum. But what you should raelly do is ask your stylist what she recommends because she knows your hair type best and can suggest a good product. Also, invest in a great straightener -- its worth the money and you'll get amazingly straight hair. I'd suggest a chi.

    Here are some product reviews for you to check out. (Btw, I have really thick wavy hair and get my hair straight all day with these products)

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