
What are some good qualities to volunteer?

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named a few




  1. You!  Your Time!

    If you were to give your time to "lets say" at a hospital in the  burn ward.  You visit with someone who has no one. you can read to them, color a picture. How about the homeless shelters?  You can help serve up meals or make sandwiches or help do clean up.  it is a wonderful experience. You'll go back again and again. Its a reward worth receiving.

  2. A willing heart, availability, be teachable, and experience.

  3. Commitment and reliability would be at the top of my list.  I'm working with some volunteers right now and if they run out of time, it's the issues they said they would deal with when volunteering that are left.  Most people see volunteering as something they'll do 'if they get around to it' and think it's no big deal if they didn't follow through because they're not paid anyway.  Believe me, it's  a HUGE deal to the NGO - we need to be able to count on people!

    I think volunteers also need to have some passion for the cause they are supporting (so that they will follow through).  Also, flexibilty is great - along with enthusiasm, positive energy, and sense of humour.

  4. PASSION:  You must have passion for the cause.  You need to believe that your volunteering makes a difference and the organization you volunteer for is honest and has integrity.  With your passion, you can inspire others to take up your cause.

    COMMITMENT:  To make a difference, to make a change, you need to be committed to you cause.  Generally, if you're passionate about a certain cause, you are commited to do anything that's needs to help the cause.

    POSITIVE ATTITUDE:  You should volunteer with a joyful spirit that reflects a positive attitude, not just a smile on your face but in the amount of effort and energy you put forth.  Whether you are unloading boxes from a truck in the middle of summer or shoveling snow for the elderly, you need have enthusiasm and drive for what you're doing.  

    DEPENDABILITY:  This is crucial for nonprofit organizations, can they count on you when you agree to volunteer.  Your reputation and accountability reflect on your daily life, not just when you are volunteering.

    PUNCTUALITY:  Be on time, others are counting on you.  Don't be one that feels they don't have to be on time because you're not getting paid, then you're volunteering for all the wrong reasons.

    Faithful, dependable volunteers are hard to find, but when you find a great volunteer you need to work at letting them know how vital they are to the organization, thank them and make them feel wanted.

  5. reliabity--show up on time, do the work expected of you, don't complain, treat it like a "real job"

    compassion and passion--care about the work you are doing and put your heart in it.

    sweat equity--work hard and put some elbow grease in.

    appreciate others, make them the stars and be thoughtful of them and easy to work with.

  6. I agree with reliablity as one of the most important qualities.  There are many other important and essential characteristics mentioned that ensure successful volunteering, but  I have been at the helm enough times organizing volunteers who have a good heart, good intentions and good experience, but are not actually able to follow though when the time arises to take action.  That results in so much legwork up front by organizers that is fruitless in the end.  This is something that I always factor in now when I'm organizing volunteers. So if you are willing to volunteer for something, find out in advance the time commitment so you know whether you can handle it or not, or be upfront with the organizers how much time you really do have. (Every little bit counts, always.)  (Sometimes I have to turn down volunteer opportunities because I just know I can't fulfill them -  it's worse to say 'yes' and not come though then to just simply say 'no' at the start.)

  7. empathy--not sympathy

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