
What are some good questions for reporters to ask Woods?

by Stevie Colts  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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At the Masters next week, Woods will be taking an open q & a session with journalists on Monday. But we all know that Woods will be well drilled in obfuscating any tricky questions - how to get the wolrd No. 1 to open up and actually start being honest, instead of just trotting out highly disingenuous apologies? Anyone think of a good question to get Woods talking?




  1. Sports_Guide
    I'd like to ask him what made him decide to come back at the Masters, just a few weeks after he'd implied at his public apology that he wouldn't be returning to golf any time soon. Seems like a breathtakingly cynical attempt to give his apology some fake gravitas that has no substance whatsoever, but maybe Woods can convincingly tell me why I'm wrong.

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