
What are some good "at home" jobs?

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Are there really any? at home jobs that can make a decent pay?




  1. There's actually a lot of good jobs that you can do from home.  I know several people as well who work from home.   As well as one of the other posters stated, some work for other people (telecommuting jobs) while other have their own home based businesses and run them from their house.  I've found the ones that have home based businesses are the ones that make the best pay.  The Telecummuters make minimum wage earnings which to me isn't decent pay.

    There are at home jobs from customer services, call centers data entry (most places want you to have minimum of 40 WPM with a 96% accuracy rate.  Some places recquire more)

    Some are simply making or receiving calls.  So yes there are really home jobs either working for someone else, or working for yourself.  Then there's the home based businesses where it's actually both.  Like Child Daycare centers where you work for yourself as well as others.

    Plenty of opportunities out there to work from home!

  2. Make $10,000-$15,000 a month online!

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  3. home calling centers!  You can answer the phone and follow the computer prompting to work out problems or orders for customers.

    There is West, Live Ops and lots of others.  You can google search call centers or call takers for  more information!

    Ebay is also a great place to make extra money from things you have laying around the house!

  4. When you ask a question like this there are only two basic kinds of answers you are going to get:

    1.  Responses (like this one) telling you that you are going to get a bunch of spam about scams.

    2.  Spam.

  5. I know a lot of people who work as independent distributors with The Limu Company. they make good incomes that are residual. check it out. hope it helps

  6. One that I like is running your own vending business.  Can be tough to set up but it's nice.  You have to freedom to work whenever you want.  Just drive around and maintain your machines.  It's an excellent service to provide.  Vending won't go away as it allows people to remain fast.  I'm trying to grow my vending business of Buzz Bites.  You could try that.  It's avery new product.  It's this little chocolate energy chew about the equivalent to a cup of coffee that's sold for 25 cents out of a vending machine.  There are all types of vending machines you can buy.  Not exactly working at home but it's working from your home you know?  If you want to be truly at home you could open an Ebay store.

  7. My daughter works as a Medical Transcriptionist from her home (first baby).  Pay is around $15-20/hour, and there's plenty of work out there.

    You have to get a certification to be one, takes around 6 months, and you can do it online (just type it into google, you'll see).

    Basically involves translating codes written by doctors into their corresponding medical terms.  

  8. Lots of people work at home and make decent money.  Most of these do work at home that they formerly did in an office, often for the same employer - I know four people who do that.  Others run their own businesses from home - I know two people who do that.

    If you are asking about the "jobs" you find on the Internet, they're pretty much all scams.  You'll probably get answers here from people touting some website - look at how long they've been on Answers.  If they just signed up today or yesterday, it's probably because Yahoo booted them off for spam.

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  10. There are many ways you can earn online and from work at home jobs. All you need is a scam free list of all possible ways by which you can earn online and from home. Visit  

    Gives you a spam free list of online jobs and work at home jobs list without investment

  11. check this out'

    Also, try

    (travel agency)

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