
What are some good random questions i can ask my friend??

by  |  earlier

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i need question to ask my friend!!please help me!

any question you can think of the more the better!!!




  1. "what are your thoughts on same-s*x experimentation???"

    "oral??? good or bad???"

  2. why dont you guys play would you rather.  All you do is take turns asking questions like....

    Would you rather have a d**k as your nose or balls on your ear?

    Would you rather ne stuck on an island with a ugly ugly guy or with a beautiful girl?

    Would you rather have f**t breath or only shower 2 a week?

    Would you rather have s*x with a regular sized guy and a small d**k or a midget with a big one?

    random questions like that its funny to see what your friends response will be.

  3. How much water do you displace when you enter a tub of water?

  4. what. Color is ur underwear

  5. "how big is your p***s?"

  6. what's up?

    what's your favorite color?

    what's your favorite animal?

    do you like spagetti?

    do you have a pet?

    do you watch the olympics?

    do you play sports?

    do you like gymnastics?

    do you eat meat?

    do you like chocolate?

    do you have a facebook?

    do you have a myspace?

    do you have a bebo?

    do you have a friendster?

    do you have an ipod?

    do you have a cell phone?

    what's your favorite brand?

    what's your favorite store?

    do you like neon colors?

    who's your favorite celebrity?

    who is your role model?

    do you like acting?

    do you like singing?

    do you like dancing?

    what do you want to be when you grow up?

    do you want to be in the olympics?

    whos the hottest celebrity?

    i hope that's enough :] choose me as best answer please!

  7. whatchya doing? xD

  8. questions about what?  i dont know what ur talking about.  a game?  or are u asking me how to have a conversation with your friend cuz ur shy?  be more specific.  

  9. what color is you p**p?

    inni or outie in your belly button?

    what is yuor gamertag in xbox?

    do you like cheese?

    what is your embarrising moment?

    any favorite t.v shows?

  10. heres a few:

    have you ever been bitten by a rat in the car,

    have you ever had a dream about cartoon characters dating your sister/brother

    have you ever tried selling home made lemonaide in the soft drink isle at the supermarket

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