
What are some good reasons on why 16 year olds should drive?

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im doing a project in my speech class and im supposed to debate on why teenagers should be able to drive at 16. i need to get good reason on why we should keep the age at 16 for driving. i tried looking up articles but its hard to find some. so if you could please help me out...thank you sooo much!!!




  1. the reason why 16 yrs old should drive is because is safer for them to drive home from school than walk and get rape in the way. there have been many stories like that. they should drive to be able to learn how to be responsible and independent. having a car is expensive you have to pay for gas, oil change if something brakes down pay for the mechanic, etc. they should drive if they have a job after school or other activities after school.  they should drive only from 6 am to 7 pm, they should not be allowed to drive anybody else with them. not driving on weekends either, just for your safety there is a lot of drunk drivers at night time. they should be able to drive because the more experience they have the better driver we will have in the road.....

  2. There are no good reasons for a 16-year old to drive.  They have a very bad record for having accidents.

    I was assuredly an idiot when I was a 16-year old driver.

    Sorry to be of no help whatsoever.

  3. None at all I'm afraid.

  4. There aren't any. Let 'em walk. They're too danged dangerous behind the wheel.

  5. does you teach hate you. there are no good reason to drive at 16

  6. The only reason I can think of is that Mom is weary of being a chauffeur.

  7. The only reason a 16 year old even needs a driver's license and a car is if they have a summer job such as mowing lawns or something.  Other than that kids in today's world just get into trouble as soon as they get their license and the keys to the car.

  8. You wont find anything positive but the only reasons that I can think of is..............

    1. job related, to from only.

    2. school related, to and from only.

    3. taking care of a parent.

    And that is it but for any of the above, the restrictions would have to still be in place...........................

  9. #1because ambulance personnel,and EMT's need to work too.#2texting,and answering emails behind the wheel is good training for our future multi-taskers#3Ah h**l the 1st two ought to give even you the idea of where I'm going with this.Yesterday I was passed on a two lane by a car filled to capacity with young obnoxious teenagers going so fast I figured there would be a roadside memorial somewhere ahead in their honor.It cant be hard to find articles on this subject .google it for crying out loud.........or just read the paper.

  10. It is the law of the UK that you must be 17 to drive unless it is on private land or agricultural vehicles.

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