
What are some good reasons to homeschool your kids?

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Is it better to homeschool your kids than send them to school? Is there any downside? Why would homeschooling be looked down on?




  1. I homeschool my children because I want them to receive an excellent, individualized education-not an education from the cookie cutter mold method used by public schools.

    There are a variety of other reasons, as well-they learn "real world" socialization rather than the artificial socialization fostered by the school system (where else in life are you locked away with ONLY 29 or so other people, born the same year you were and living in roughly the same neighborhood?).  They are not exposed to behaviors that I am repeatedly told are important for them to know how to function in society, such as being bullied, teased, harassed, etc. even though I never put up with such behaviors in the real world I live in.

    Then, there are just the benefits-for instance, we can take vacations when we choose, rather than having to schedule them around the public school calendar.  This often means when the weather is nicer, there is less crowding, and the costs are minimized

    For OUR family, homeschooling is best.  The only downside I have come accross is the ignorant people that continue to perpetuate myths such as a lack of socialization, an inability to get into college, etc.  The only reason it is looked down on is because it is not mainstream, though it is becoming closer and closer to becoming so.

  2. For my family, it was a choice between home-education or us kids going away to boarding school. My dad was never going to be happy about us going away to school and anyway no boarding school was ever going to relish the idea of being responsible for me for 40 weeks of the year!

    Where I come from home-ed is not looked down upon; along with distance-ed, it is the norm for all kids between kindy and year 6; and increasingly the norm for kids between year 7 and year 12.

  3. Goods reasons to homeschool your kids:

    1) You want to.

    2) You want to spend more time with your kids and be more involved in raising them.

    3) You want to provide them a better social situation than at school.

    4) You want to provide them with academics that are more suited to them.

    5) You want your kids to have more time to be kids, have more freedom and flexibility.

    Many more.


    Is it better? Depends on who's doing it and what you mean by "better."


    Are there downsides? Depends on the family. For me, it's the negative comments and prejudicial attitudes against homeschooling.


    Why is it looked down upon?

    *Because too many people assume they know what homeschooling is--and never stop to think about if they would do the things they are accusing so many others of doing. Primary assumption is that you stay home all the time.

    *Because too many people assume that if they're incapable of doing so, all other parents are, too.

    *Because too many people assume that teachers are akin to gods and know everything they need to so that students will learn and assume that kids need to be taught everything.

    *Because too many people know just a few bad cases and assume it applies to all cases. And don't realize they've probably met totally normal homeschooled people and never knew it.

  4. well personally i have pilonidal disease and i had to have alot of surgery so i got really behind in school and my parents decided if i was home schooled i could stay cough up and still get the education i deserve so i started home schooling in the the 8th grade and i have been doing so much better i actual understand what is going on instead of just barly squeezing by and as far and friends and getting out of the house i volunteer at the vetrince hospital 2 times a week but also you have to have the right kind of child and the right kind of "teacher" to be successful

  5. The answer to "Is it better" depends on your family.   It has worked well for us but I know of families who just shouldn't.  

    Do you have the time? Energy?   It is a lot of work but I wouldn't trade it for the world.  My kids love it.  They do not miss school whatsoever.  They have a lot more freedom then their peers do.  

    For us there is no downside.   Other families feel that the time and money needed is a downside.  

  6. Homeschooling can be better than public school both academically and socially.

    Homeschooling is great because you can cater to your child's learning style and your child can learn at his/her own pace.  You can choose the information and values you want to teach, and you don’t have to pressure your child to move forward faster than he/she is capable.  You also don’t have to hold your child back when he/she is ready to move on.

    Homeschoolers have more flexibility because they don't have to deal with school schedules.  They have more free time to pursue interests and activities, and do fun projects and field trips.

    Homeschooled students tend to be more confident because they are not exposed to negative peer pressure or bullying from other kids.  They spend more time in the real world and are better prepared for life after graduation.  They also tend to have closer bonds with parents and siblings.

    Here are some of the benefits of homeschooling:

    Here's a comparison between homeschooling and public school:

    Here is some general information about homeschooling:

    Good luck making a decision!

  7. 1. You want more time with your kids

    2. You enjoy a flexible schedule

    3. Your kids are asking you to homeschool them

    4. Your kids are bored in school

    5. You want to impart your family's values to your kids

    6. You are a rebel and you want to irritate your in-laws (just kidding)

    7. Your child's safety at school is a concern

    8.You want your kids to have a more balanced life

    9. You want more time for extracurricular activities

    10. Your family travels frequently

    Downside- As a mom-it will take some time, you will make some sacrifices, but you will not have any regrets that you didn't get to spend enough time with your kids. I love the memories that we have had together. I wouldn't trade this time with them for anything! I think when they are ready to go away to college, it will be a happy time because we have had time together.

    Best of Luck to You!


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