
What are some good recipes for non-alcoholic drinks?

by  |  earlier

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I would prefer recipes for drinks that are alcoholic minus the alcohol.




  1. there are none! ..just get some vodka and your set to go

  2. i don't drink alcohol drinks much so I would suggest smooties.  Like Strawberry Banana Yogurt Shake.

    1 carton (16 oz) plain yogurt

    1 cup milk

    1/2 cup honey

    1 1/2 cups frozen unsweet strawberries

    1/4 cup toasted wheat germ(optional)

    1/4 teas almond extract

    in two batches, process all ingred. in  a blender until smooth. Pour into chilled glassses serve immed. 6 servings

  3. Get concentrated orange juice, frozen.  Liquid vanilla, and milk. Blend thoroughly.  Amounts for each vary with personal taste, but it's delicious.

  4. well, get a blender, then put ice in the blender, then put some water in the blender, then but tang powder in the blender. and there you go. it is awesome. or you could just make a non-alcoholic dakari, or some smoothies.

  5. Step 1:  Get a blender

    Step 2:  Blindfold yourself

    Step 3:  Grab anything (edible) in the kitchen and toss it in the blender

    Step 4:  Cover the blender and make sure your hand is out of it (unless you're into that sort of thing)

    Step 5:  Press the button until you don't hear chunks getting spliced anymore

    Step 6:  Pour the goo into a cup

    Step 7:  Drink it (make sure the blindfold is on)

    The irony here is... Most of the time it'll turn out tasting like c**p, or worse... But suppose you find the best recipe in the world?  You'll never know...

    Mystery Smoothie FTW!!

  6. My favorite are the pre made buckets of margaritas you can buy at Walmart. They have a few different flavors you are supposed to add rum or tequila and freeze. But if you just freeze they taste SOO good.

  7. roy rogers

    shirley temple

  8. okay if u r looking for frozen drinks you can go to the store and there r these frozen tubes with the mix  in it an u just add things to it depending on what flavor u do...lke my fav is called fuzzy navel  

    fuzzy navel-all you do is add the mix from the store with lots of ice and half of the mix can of sprite or 7up then u blend it utill u dont have big ice chunks..if u think it is not quite right just add a splash of oj


    strawberry daiquiri-u add the frozen mix then u add a lot of ice then u take the mix tube and fill it with oj and another of sprite or 7up and blend it all up!!


  9. Buy some plain seltzer water. (Tonic water has a bitter ingr. "quinine", which I enjoy).

    Mix almost any fruit juice with the seltzer, add a little umbrella and a lime wedge, and you're set.  Experiment with mango; mixing several juices, etc.

    Good for you for this question.  I wasted 15 years of my life because of booze addiction.

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