
What are some good scams to pull in the UK?

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What are some good scams to pull in the UK?




  1. Find some local crime, then turn yourself in to the police. You'll get free meals and accommodation, TV, play station ~ etc, and you'll never have to do a days work for it! Bargain.

  2. Try a benefit scam, everybody seems to be doing it!

  3. Ever seen The Real Hustle? They have some good ones there -

  4. pretend your a refugee and you will get free money and house

  5. Ask Tony Blair or Gordon Brown, they're experts in this field.

  6. What is it with you and benefit scams ect. Think you do too much thinking mate. Get yourself a job you waster.

  7. fraud

  8. LOL, reminds me of the funniest scam I ever heard about.

    A guy ran an ad that promised to help young women enlarge their b*****s.

    He offerred a secret that was centuries old, no surgery, no injections, no exercise, no creams, and no implants, etc. He even guaranteed it would work or he would pay them TEN times their money back, if their b*****s did not get significantly larger!.

    All they had to do was send him $5 and he would immediately mail them this ancient secret used by many famous women, queens, and others. (He mentioned many names from over the years). And he would provide them scientific proof that this secret method worked every time!

    When they sent in their money, he sent them back a flyer with the following information:

    Get Pregnant.

    And a reference from a medical encyclopedia indicating that swelling of the b*****s was condition of pregnancy.

    Of course afterwards he did spend about 20 years in the custody of the government. And that was probably safer than being out of jail and having all those women he defrauded coming aftrer him! LOL.

    Of course I do NOT recommend anyone trying this, unless you like the idea of no sunshine, 3 hots and cot, and a roomie named Spike.

    And if most of these scammers would devote half as much energy to legitimate ideas, I suspect they would be quite successful.

    Do not try this one at home, kids!

  9. are you real, we have been put on this earth to look after each other, just remember that

  10. set some wild dogs free in the queens palace

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