
What are some good screen name suggestions?

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ps im a girl, italian and love soccer =D




  1. I Wish These Idiots Would Hire A Therapist

  2. The Italiana hot soccer mama

  3. The only suggestion I could give you is to take the things you love and combine them.  Mine, for example, is a combination of dragons and faeries.  (sidhe is the Celtic word for faery).  Try to take normal words and either find a different language or a different way to say them.  This might offer a little bit of extra "pizazz" to your handle.  Though I've had 101 different handles ranging from "Goddess Adarah" (don't ask) to FaeryofLight.  Also, think about the nicknames your friends give you, those might help you with a little bit of insight.  The best way to think of this is, how do you want people to recognize you?

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