
What are some good sites?

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What are good websites thats like ancestry except you don't have to pay? I odn't want to pay just want to find things. Not free trials either. SOmething that you get everyhring for free.




  1. NO genealogy site is going to give you EVERYTHING for free.  Sites that are completely free will not have everything.  Sites that have the most information and records will not be completely free.  AND, not everything is even online anyway.  Much of genealogy still requires you to go digging around in dusty old church and court basements searching for old records.

    NO hobby is ever totally free. If you want to play the piano, you will have to pay for lessons, buy the piano, and song books. If you want to be an artist, you will have to pay for canvases, paints, brushes, etc. If you want to play softball, you will have to purchase uniforms and sneakers and a glove. In all hobbies, you will also invest in gas for transportation to go to piano lessons, or ball games, or to the craft store to buy your art supplies, etc. Also in all hobbies, you will invest countless hours of your time for which you will never be financially compensated. If you are really not willing to invest in anything, then it is the wrong hobby for you.

  2. LDS site

  3. has some decent records along public family trees so you can connect with people who might a relative of yours on their family tree. Hoped this helped

    -Violet, what's your problem? You're like this on all of your answers!!! Lighten up.

  4. Of course, if "everything" that offers to their paying customers was free somewhere else, they wouldn't have any paying customers.  I'm pretty sure you're just asking which sites offer access to the records they do have, for free.  I know how frustrating it is to enter your search, only to find out - yes we have what you want so what's your credit card number.  

    Here is a site that is really good and it is free (including family tree software):

    As Ardaloth pointed out above has a lot to offer  And what you can't find there, you can try these:  (this site has links to lots of other free sites with only a few links to pay sites):

    Happy hunting!

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