
What are some good snacks to take camping?

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for my husband and i (im hypoglycemic,low blood sugar) and also for a 4 year old and a 9 year old? Thanks




  1. I don't know what your family likes and I don't know that much about hypoglycemia, but dry cereals, fruits that don't need to be refrigerated, (bananas, plums, oranges...those little ones are easy to peel with your hands. Take a watermelon. Chex mix, granola and/or fruit bars like Nutrigrain bars (yum), Pop Tarts, those little bags of fruit snacks (that are kind of like gummy bears)...Okay, I'll shut up! Can you tell that I have kids and have been camping a lot? Ha!

    Just look up and down the grocery isles. You will find stuff.

    Have fun camping!

  2. Granola bars, raisins, trail mix, bananas, little bags of chips or cookies, juice packs.

  3. trail mix, chips, water, gatorade, m&ms , marshmallows

  4. KP nuts - they do really good salted or spicy ones


    veg strips such as celery and dips

    yoghurt covered raisins

    dried fruit

    cereal (sounds weird but snack on i dry and it tastes good)

    Go Ahead bars

    cereal bars



    hope that helps--x

  5. Fruit, nuts, granola bars, dry cereal, pretzels etc.

  6. Healthy treats for all!  Fruit, granola bars, cereal bars, yogurt (gogert), pudding or jello in cups.

    Not so healthy, chips, makings for smores, candy, etc.....  

    Have fun camping!  

  7. For non-cooler snacks I would say:



    lunchables? Are these refrigerated?

    Chex mix


    dried fruit


    granola bars/fruit bars


    pudding (non-refrigerated kind)

    apples, bananas

  8. Just about any form of trail mix.

    The thing I personally like to do (because I don't really enjoy dried fruit) is just mixing some plain M&Ms with some Low-Salt peanuts in a snack bag.  

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