
What are some good soccer tips?

by  |  earlier

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just need a few pointers here and there thank you

-equipment you might want to reccomend

-drinks, foods to eat before a game ect.




  1. hey

    well first off

    equipment: shin guards if your playing with a team. a soccer ball obviously : P cleats. soccer socks to cover your shin guards. mouth guard if your playing with a team again.

    drinks: waterr all the way. keep hydrated the whole day.

    food: you dont' really want to eat before a game, if you do eat eat a couple hours before like a snack, gronala bar, odawalla bar etc.

    hope this helpedd

  2. practice... passion... and allot of speed and to be athlete

    for the equipment how about a soccer ball... some soccer shoes... and a uniform...

    drink allot of water and do not eat allot before the game... do not smoke it makes you really tierd.

  3. Equipment: soccer ball, soccer shoes, running shoes.

    Eating: eat a lot of carbs the night before your game or practice, or 4 hours before it. 2 Hours before your game eat a bananna, it will prevent cramps. Drink a lot of water before your game/practice, and drink a lot the day before. Right before your game drink a gatorade, and drink a water/gatorade mix during the game.

  4. Learn to shoot with your laces.

    Always run AFTER you make your pass.

    Learn to trap the ball correctly....

  5. the equipment you might need are some light soccer shoes, shin guarders, a soccer ball, and practice. If you practice  once every five days is drink water juice anything except soda. and when you eat is don't eat big mean just some peanut butter and jelly with some juice to have energy

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