
What are some good stocks to day trade on?

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What are some good stocks to day trade on?




  1. Dale,

           Respectfully, day trading should be left to experts in a company or industry. Many people enter the day trading profession and lose their money.

            Your question underscores a lack of familiarity with the process and fundamentally indicates that your funds will be depleted before your enthusiasm.

             Stick  with quality, earnings driven companies. In the long run you will be rewarded.

               I know you do not appreciate this advice...You hear stories of people making big money. But this is no different than gambling. Sure there are winners but how many people do you know support themselves or augment their income through day trading.

          Good Luck.

  2. Based on your question, it would be best for you not to "day" trade.  

    Most experienced day traders know what they are going to trade or have a list of stocks that they follow so when the stock moves to set prices they react.

    Copying or following others in their day trading selections is not benefical to anyone other than the person making the trade.

    You don't learn by following others, you try to make your own selections, then you have basis for your picks

    It would be very inappropriate for me or other traders to provide a response to your question with definite selections.

  3. I have been successful trading the real estate company Barratt plc (bdev.l) on the london stock exchange for a while, tracking them from 60p to their present value of 93p.

    They used to trade at around 11 quid I think!

    Because of their high volitility I would suggest going long on these for a period of three to six months. In my opinion the real estate sector has been oversold, and factoring in their stay of execution in terms of their banking covenants, their land value, and their government contracts they are well worth a punt. Read this bloomberg article listed under source for more info.

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