
What are some good things about Honduras???

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I'm doing a speech on Honduras and all I can seem to find is how poor and polluted and corrupt the country is. I'd like to have some positive points too (other than "it has great beaches")!




  1. The Highlands area has some great climate. Overall the people in Honduras are hard working and very friendly. There is poverty but the bigger cities have more to offer than my city in the U.S. I have visited several times and have friends there.

  2. We are poor but modern. Imagine our cities like american cities sorrounded by huge poor neighborhoods.

    Technology is widely available, for example: there are 7 million people and about 4 million cellphone numbers including blackberry service, mobile internet and many free hotspots all over the major cities. Specially in the fast food restaurants (McD, BK, Popeye-s and coffee places.) Broadband internet is widely available and not too expensive ($90 for 2mbps plus cable tv with some companies)

    When it comes to consumer choice, well we have Walmart, Office Depot, Sears on top of the many local and regional department stores in the modern shopping malls. Coffee places all over the place, no starbucks but equally good and cheaper stuff. Many international restaurant chains like TGIFriday, Chilis, Applebees, RUby Tuesday, and too many more to name.

    The banking system is pretty efficent and has many international bankinf girms here (hsbc, citi, GE, etc) ATMs all over the place.

    Even in rural areas things are modern. Some Villages far away from the electric grid use solar power and satellite internet to keep connected. Larger more connected towns all have internet and cell service.

    Roads are being improved.

    And then you have all the touristy stuff.

    For more info contact me

  3. It's stunningly beautiful (not just the beaches, the land too).  The people are very nice and friendly.  It's world renowned for it's scuba diving (one of the most popular places in the world to get certified).  The Mayan ruins at Copan are really amazing.

  4. The weather is beautiful, almost year round. The people are very generous and very kind. They are so willing to do as much as they can for you. Family is very important to Hondurans. It is a priority to them.

  5. My brother married a woman from Honduras. What I heard about is that there was a lot of good fresh fruit, such as bananas, grapes, cashew nuts,  for sale on the street, if you could afford it. The people are very poor, and very close to their families. Another cousin bought a farm there, but it's not a cattle farm, it's for harvesting mahogany. A lot of mahogany wood for fine furniture is exported from Honduras. And something I thought was very nice, some of the craftsmen from there make hand carved furniture, which has Mayan gods and symbols on it, very beautiful. I think that the Mayan culture could be something you might want to study and use in your speech. That's about all I know, or that I can remember. Mom told me about the hotel where she stayed, she was scared to death, out of her culture and could not speak the local language, but was treated very nice by the people.

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