
What are some good things i can do to help introduce learning to my son?!?

by Guest66579  |  earlier

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My son is 6 months old and i want to start really teaching him his abcs and 123s but also introduce him into music,dates,etc.. What are some good ideas you have -other then baby einstein videos and reading to him (because i already do that! lol)




  1. When playing with him, I would point and say the colors and use his hand to touch the color and say it again.  For counting, you can use his hand and count items as you touch them, this way he is becoming aware of the words.  As he gets older, he will begin counting on his own, but this is a good way to introduce the concept even though he won't probably do it independently for some time still.

  2. Wait until your son is old enough to pay attention for 15 minutes or more at a stretch, then read to him every night in his bed before he goes to sleep.  I don't think reading to him at 6 months of age will do any good.  He should be able to understand what you are saying and to follow along.

    And, if he finds a favorite book or two, you can read those any time he asks because it will keep him more interested.

    "Where the Wild Things Are" is a great children's book.  My mother used to read that book to me.


  3. Read a lot. And have the music you want him to know playing around your house. Also tell him what day and date/ time what ever and tell him knowable things NO BABY-TALK!!!!!

  4. He may be too young for this now but perhaps not.  Go to and you will find some learning activities that are more like games.  Even if he is too young for this, it is something that he will be able to use in the near future.

  5. your kid is six months so go easy on her he will learn just wait till he focuses in on things my cousin is eight months and just now focus on things you don't want push your kids hard just listen to music

  6. Don't try so hard. Research hasn't shown any real support for early learning and IQ. If anything too much formal education early on can be detrimental because of "burnout". Reading to your baby is one of the best things you can do to help future learning. You can also talk to him. The more he is exposed to language (not baby talk) the better his vocabulary will be later. Talk about anything. Get into the habit of discussing everyday events with him even now. For example, if you're in the grocery store tell him what's on your list, what colors are the foods you getting, counting the items, etc. Pretty soon it will become habit (in fact my son is 3 and I discuss everything out loud even when he's not with me).  Also look into story groups at the library for infants or Kindermusik classes if you can afford them. They are great ways to introduce you and your son to fun learning experiences. Look in your local paper or children's magazines under the calendar for local events. Good luck to you both.

  7. I worked in a daycare for 4 years and also have a degree in Early Childhood Education.  The best thing that you can do at such a young age is to read to him every day.  It does not matter what you read, as long as you are reading something.  That will help his language skills as he grows older.  As you said, Baby Einstein is a great program.  There are also other educational toys for children who are 6 months old.  Here is a link to a site with some great educational toys for your sons age.

    I would say just to keep doing what you are doing.  Read to him, play with him, start singing songs to him - ABC's, there are many great children's artists that you could play in the background while you are playing... you sound like you're doing a great job... so just keep it up!

  8. songs that teach counting

    Gather round, you gals and guys.

    Here's a little word to the wise.

    When you get angry

    When you get mad

    Before you do or say something

    You’ll wish you never had

    and make us sad

    Learn this song. It’s good for you

    And me and Mom and Dad.

    Don’t do something bad!

    Just count to ten!


    Count to ten!

    When you want to scream and shout

    Break and throw your things about

    Then without a doubt Gotta count to ten!

    Count to ten! (Say it again!)

    Count to ten!Remember

    When you start to lose your cool

    Remember you're nobody’s fool.

    Think the Golden Rule!

    Gotta count to ten.


    When you want to blow your top

    And you can’t stop squirmin’,

    Count to ten 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.

    to learn parts of face

    You touch, you touch, you touch your nose

    You pull, you pull, you pull your ears

    With your mouth you make a circle

    And then you open wide your eyes

    You make a very funny face

    A funny face

    Oh yes, it is

    You touch, you touch, you touch your nose

    You pull, you pull, you pull your ears

    With your mouth you make a circle

    And then you open wide your eyes

    You make a very funny face

    A funny face

    Oh yes, it is

  9. At six mths its best if you just spend time with your child, to "teach" him do finger plays like itsy bitsy spider, and absolutely read to him. studies have shown that while they don't understand the words they do love to closeness and it raises their verbal skill level.  here is a good website, this woman taught in daycares, preschool., elementary and on the college level and now does "home schooling" of her children that are young (1 and 2).  she posts activities that you can do even with a 6th month old each week. also check out your local library for "baby bounce" times. they will help you learn the stories, rhymes and songs and finger plays to do with your child.  you are on the right track but make sure to have fun with it.

    Associated, Lesson Plans for Teaching Your Baby/Toddler Color Recognition -- there are also links to others lesson plans.  read over her's lesson plans for babies adn toddlers. and it even includes links to the songs and finger plays or spell them out for you , also gives titles to books to read. and snacks to make.

  10. I agree with Stacy

  11. I know that vsmile has a very good line of educational toys for infants try it I bet you will be satisfied.....

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