
What are some good things to keep in mind when looking for a good general small business lawyer?

by Guest21560  |  earlier

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mainly to help with contracts with partners and customers. What are typical fees?




  1. Not sure of fees (it's generally hourly), but the 2 most important things to look for in a lawyer are -- experience and references. Of course there's the ethical factor too, i.e., you don't want your lawyer working for you and your competitior. Best to have 2 independent lawyers if your business needs it and it's affordable. Always good for a second opinion.

  2. Your local bank manager (yes they do still exist) should be able to put you in touch with some local lawyers in your town, they'll be used to dealing with small businesses in your area and will generally have some good contacts in other fields of business. Have a chat with the lawyers as it won't cost you anything to start with, get some prices on the work you require and see if you like them.

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