
What are some good things to learn and study for the PSAT/SAT?

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What are some good books I can get for a fair price that will contain practice tests and cover over the entire test so I understand what's going to come at me?

I've heard Latin is a good language to learn because it will help me with vocabulary. Should I try to learn it? Are there other languages I could learn? And if so, is there a good website where I could learn it? Are there any softwares I could use, beside Rosetta Stone?

Last questions:

What is the highest score you could make, and what score could lead to a scholorship? And what is the passing score?

Please answer as many questions as you can. All answers are valued. Thanks. :D




  1. 1) What are some good books?

    Look here:

    The SparkNotes SAT prep book is also useful as it is free and online. :) Their list of vocab. words is quite good.

    2) What is the highest score you could make?

    PSAT: 240

    SAT: 2400

    There are three sections: Math, Critical Reading, and Writing.

    These sections are weighted equally.

    3) What is the passing score?

    There is no 'passing' score. However, different universities and colleges can certainly reject you because of a low score.

    4) What score could lead to a scholarship?

    When you take the PSAT in your Junior year, you can get the National Merit Scholarship if you get a high enough score. In this scholarship, you can be Commended, a Semifinalist, or a Finalist. I believe the cutoff score to be Commended is usually around 200. You can find more information on the website.

    Good luck!

  2. hm..well for sats, the maximum score you can get is 2400. There really isn't a 'pass', as each college is looking for different numbers. The more prestigious the school, the higher score you have to get. Basically anything above a 1900 is very good.

    I think spanish would be a good language to learn, since it has a lot of words directly related to english. Also, besides latin you should try to study some Greek, since a lot of roots have either a Latin or Greek origin.

    =) I'm not sure what book you could get to practice from, but if you go down to your local bookstore and ask the workers, I'm sure they'd know.

    Hope this helped! =D

  3. I think there's a practice test you can get to at The highest score is 2400, being three sections; mathematics, critical reading, and writing at 800 a piece. Your passing score depends on the school you're trying to get into I think.

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