
What are some good things to put in your locker at school?

by  |  earlier

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This is my first year having a locker, and i'm not quite sure what to put in it, i'm going to Target tomorrow to look for stuff for my locker. Any ideas?

PS: I do have one thing, it's a mirror/white-board/cork-board. Very small! :D





  1. After reading all these answers, I have one word... WOW.  I only had textbooks in my locker.  Simple, easy, and cheap.

  2. i have a holder for my pencils and pens and other stuff, including my cell phone, kind of like this but with a cell phone spot

    i also have a dry erase board, and i have a locker shelf like this one

    and just some magnets to hold pictures. i have a lunch menu up, and a copy of the sports schedule for the season.

    EDIT: just remember, you have to have room in there for your most important things, ie, books and backpack and maybe a jacket.

  3. everybody has great ideas, but i don't think i'd want to be in the hall putting mascara on, ya know? also, i think i have the same mirror, white/cork board thing as you. i got it at target.

  4. Keep extra paper, pens, pencils, stuff that you'll need.

    Get a small basket for lipgloss, pressed powder, perfume, hairbrush and things to freshen up with between classes.

  5. i love decorating the door of my christmas wrapping paper

  6. Extra pens or markers, mascara and lip gloss, um....a picture maybe, post it notes..

  7. I would put magazine pictures and pictures of my friends on the wall, the mirror of course is a defiant, brush, deodorant, breath mints, toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, bottle water, hairspray, face powder, aspirin, and  tampons ~ I use OB because they are discreet and work the best plus it is going green ;~)

    I think that should cover it but if you are the type of person who needs a little energy get some granola bars or those 100 calorie pack of snacks

    Of course books, pens, pencil notebooks, and your traditional school supplies

  8. brush just in case pencils and pens hair stuff books and lunch

  9. in my locker I have a theme with magnets they also help me hang pictures.

  10. you should definitely decorate the inside of your locker door, that way it will be unique and can brighten up your day. When I was a senior, I covered the whole door in colorful tissue paper, then put up stickers with either funny inside jokes with my friends or things I enjoyed, then I added a few pictures from the summer. Also, all 4 years I had a locker shelf, it kept me more organized since I had to keep 7 books in my locker. You will also want to make sure you have extra pens and pencils, some make up incase you need a touch up, brush and feminine items lol The mirror and white board/cord board is also a great thing to have! good luck and have fun!

  11. maybe a small mirror. billions of pencils, because i always lose them and need a big stash. maybe something to decorate it. o, if they have locker shelves, then get those

  12. put a shelf or stool type thing (you can get them at staples depot or any office supply store) to put your shoes under and books ontop

    yup you need mirror, get some extra magnets. and keep your locker organized. you dont really need a corkboard type thing but theyre fun ro have

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