
What are some good things to put together as a gift for someone who just joined the air force? please help :)?

by  |  earlier

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Me and this guy started datin the end of last year and broke up in the spring we've had a not so awesome time since then and he recently joined the air force.. he is gonna be leaving soon for basic or whatever for bout 8 wks and i was thinkin about puttin something together for him.... i really love him but just if you have any ideas of what would be helpful to him while he's there let me know... this whole air force thing is new too me. Thank you so much if you can help :)




  1. Well, unless he's reciprocating the attitude that he loves you too I'd just give him a congratulations card.  I would hate to think you'd spend money on him just for him to toss whatever you give him.  But, if you're dead set on it, then I would encourage calling cards, and stamps.  That's for basic that is...if you want to wait until he hits Tech school then the door is wide open.

  2. Write him a nice letter that encourages him. And attach it to one of those cheap, wooden model airplanes.  

  3. he wont be able to use ANY of the items during him basic training. and after training h**l be busy in tech school.

    so if you want to get items for him when hes ready to hit the real Air Force. get these, theyll be put to use alot.

    Deck of cards, Ipod, pillow, and PSP.

  4. whatever you do dont send him anything to basic.. unless it is a letter or a card.. if you send him cookies they will make him eat them while everyone else does pushups . Which i might add is a GREAT IDEA considering hes ur ex .. lol

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