
What are some good tips on better communication?

by Guest65693  |  earlier

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I am GREAT on paper! I'm guessing it's because I'm given that extra bit of time to think and articulate what I want to say and how I want to say it. I'm not a bad communicator in person or one on one but I'd like to be better. How can I learn to communicate as well as I do with writting verbally?

Are there any books?




  1. Information is below.

  2. Interesting . Look at books in the self help section.

  3. Here are some basic tips to follow to develop better interpersonal communication skills

    1. Practice Active Listening

    2. Speak Slowly and Clearly

    3. Be Considerate

    4. Give Complements

    5. Have Confidence

    Dale Carnege's books are excellent references for your purposes. Do check out "How to Win Friends and Influence People", one of the best selling books of all time.

    John Maxwell's books is recommended as well.

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