
What are some good tips on falling asleep right away while at work?

by  |  earlier

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i meant after work




  1. work hard..

    being tired..will make you really sleepy :)

  2. eat alot of food high in fiber then go take a c**p... that way when you are done pooping... you will be exahusted  

  3. A swig of Benedryl does the trick for me.  

  4. Ways to get fired:

    Don't go to sleep the night before.GeTake a nice warm shower.

    Take sleeping pills.

    That is all I can think of right now.

  5. partayyyyyyyyyyy when you are suppose to sleep.. and i promise you will fall sleep at work.. worked with me everytimes.. even when i dont tryy it still worksss:)

  6. Just stare at the computer screen and your eyes will become very sleepy


  7. Valium

  8. watch a really boring tv show

  9. sleeping pills

  10. think of ur day at work. im joking. have a bath then eat hot food then just read or watch tv till u doze off

  11. have your duvet looking all nice and soft enough so that if it could speak it'll say..... "lay on know you want to.."

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