
What are some good tips to know when learning spanish?

by Guest63968  |  earlier

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I am having trouble learning spanish any tips?




  1. well if you are visual person and are having difficulties with vocabulary, write it and write it and write it, then say it, and if you text book comes with pictures look at the pictures while you say it. Always say the word in english first, then spanish, it's proven that the last language you hear is the one that sticks.

    if it is grammar that has got ya down, go online and type in grammar practice sheets for spanish, and just practice and practice, with grammar, just like in english you have just keep practicing it, until it is embedded in your brain.

    another way to look at it is to always relate it back to english, i'm not sure what level you're at but, if you are working with direct object pronouns all you do is say it in english ( I ate it--- Lo comi),

    i love spanish so if you ever need help on anything, i'm a human translator so i tend to be more accurate than online ones (don't trust them) just shoot me an email i'll be glad to help

  2. your name is Maria? and you dont know spanish... thats a first.

    well i recommend

    and also to read a lot of spanish stories. "La casa de bernarda alba", any works by Borges, I think its called (El Sur) I read this book called Abriendo Puertas it has a compilation of spanish stories.

  3. Try this website:


  4. Find a Spanish speaking friend and practice with them.

    That's what helped me the most when I was learning.

  5. Well, if you're trying to learn spoken Spanish it helps to learn the conversations that you know you'll encounter. That way you won't ever be at a loss for words and you'll know what to expect for responses as well. Here's a website where you can find the most common topics of conversations native Spanish speakers talk about.

    Check it out.

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