
What are some good tips to stop a 2 yr olds tantrums, strange sit?

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i have a good friend who is being held captive by her 2 yr old daughters bed time fits, its not just the usual tears and screaming, her daughter will purposely throw up if mommy does not bend to her will, and understandably my friend does not want to clean up throw up every few minutes at night and is worried about her little ones health as well, has anyone had something happen like this and might have some tips to help because im at a loss because my kids have never done this.




  1. I don't know if this will help or not, but when my son was about 2, he went through a stage similar to what you describe, tho not nearly as dramatic.  That's harsh.  Anyway  once i happened to be drinking water - and i tossed it at his face.  The water only, of course.  He stopped straitaway, and that was that.  Hope this helps.

  2. I know it may sound disgusting, but your friend needs to let her throw up, and leave it.  She also may want to try a bedtime routine.  In our house the kids get their pj's on and brush their teeth, then get a 1/2hr tv time...when it is time for tv's to go off, they go to the bathroom, we go in, read a book, say nitetime prayers, tuck them in, kisses and hugs, and walk out. If they get up we just ignore them.  Sometimes its hard to listen to the whining or a fit, but ya cant give in to it.

  3. on jon and kate plus 8 one of their daughters will make herself throw up if she gets upset, usually if they are leaving to go somewhere in an attempt to keep them from leaving but they were able to remedy that by just one time not letting her change her clothes after she did it. now when she starts gagging her mom just reminds her that she'll have to keep wearing that outfit even if she makes herself throw up.

    i haven't read them but i plan to, but jo frost (the supernanny) has written a couple of books and one of them i think specifically addresses sleep issues so she may want to pick that up.

    good luck!

  4. your friend should stop responding to the fits because then the 2-year-old girl will realize that her fits don't work. it may take a while but that's the best thing to do. By your friend giving in all the time, the 2 year old is receiving reinforcement that her behavior is correct--when it is NOT.

  5. i would love to and sort this out for myself a child needs boundaries and although its easy ti give in consistency is a must discipline is a key . its not easy but it is fixable

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