
What are some good titles?

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What are some good titles for each of these stories ideas?

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  1. I think that while you continue to work with a story, shape it, and know your characters the title will just come to you because only you, as the author, will know best. I recommend finishing the story/stories then decide on a suitable title.

  2. 1st story-i)Music is friend, ii)A friend in need, iii)Detective Miranda, iv)Curious Miranda

    2nd story-i)Depressed, ii)Jaymie and Jason, iii)Emotional

    3rd story-i)Chelsea in reality, ii)A companion in need, iii)Diary is the best friend, iv)Friend-a diary

    4th story-i)Remembering Angel, ii)Peter's Angel, iii)Angel's murder, iv)Peter's feelings

  3. 1) (the name of the song), the same old tune, replayed

    2) Sea Shock, Sea Sure, Sick of The Sea, Shore Thing, Come Morning

    3) Chelsea Against The World

    4) Requiem for an Angel (a requiem is a celebration of the dead), Far From Heaven

  4. maybe for the first one the title of her favourite song

    can't think of one for the second... but please change one of their names, they sound to similar, it might get annoyning.

    for the third one, maybe torn pages

    for the fourth one, like make it a play on words with Angel, like Angel in Heaven, but not that coz that one is bad.

  5. 1.  Listening, Slowly.

    2.  Washed Away.

    3.  .... I can't think of a decent one.... Life on Pages?

    4.  Remembering an Angel.

  6. I'll give it a shot. You can try naming them after a major event in the story or even a main character. There are many things you can use to name them.

    1. Miranda's Song or Miranda's Melody.

    2. Poseidon's Daughter, I Am Calypso. (Poseidon being a sea god and Calypso being a sea nymph who was kept on an island and fell in love with Odysseus who became her lover and eventually had to leave her.)

    3. Escape, Chronicle.

    4. Fallen Angel, Heavenly Demise.

  7. Mine probably suck lol...

    1. Abducted

    2. High Tide

    3. Writing the Pain Away

    4. Angel's Watching Over Me

    I've come up with a few more...

    2. Washed Up

    4. You Will Always be My Angel

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