
What are some good unique school fundraisers?

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what are some good fundraisers to use to raise money for the class of 2011?? We don't want any food ones because thats what everyone does. what is something different that could help us make a lot of money?




  1. Unique--an egg sale. Go in pairs to neighborhoods and knock on doors. Ask the first person for an egg. Take it to the next house and sell it for whatever the person will give. Keep going until you get tired or it's too late.

    This requires no money up front, no prep time, no space, no parent work .(Trust me, they'll appreciate that.) Everyone needs an egg sometime, they last a long time, and even at $2/dozen, just one doesn't cost much for the donor.

  2. You could sponsor a Bingo or something. We "host" Bingo every Friday night to benefit the local fire dept. and each Friday we deposit a MINIMUM of $2000...and that's with MAYBE 100 people there. If you plan it, advertise it well, then you should be able to make a bunch more.

    Car wash

  3. Scratch off tickets!!! They are awesome. You pay 5.00 for the cards and they can earn you up to 150.00. Our cheerleading squad does it and we make a KILLING! Last year we raised about 4,000.00.

    You get a card with a bunch of spaces to scratch off. The person scratches has to scratch off atleast 2 boxes. What ever monetary amount that the person scratches off is what they have to donate. The smallest amount is .50 and the highest is 3.00. Most people don't want to buy the c**p people usually sell for fundraisers (wrapping paper, cookie dough, calenders). They just want to support the cause.

    We also make a lot of money selling Coke products.

  4. Have an auction.

    Have people donate items and auction them off.

    Charge an admission fee for the auction.


    Have a dance!!!!!

    Everyone loves them so you are bound to attract people.

    Charge an admission fee and you can sell concessions too.


    Put on a play.

    Your class can all be part in it.

    Parents, younger classmates, family, and friends will all pay to see it.

    Hope this helps :D

  5. you can try retailing cellphone load.. Since everybody nowadays  are texting and calling each other through that device, then its not such a gamble....

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