
What are some good veggies or fruits for my bird or anything (like food related)?

by Guest31602  |  earlier

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Whats good,Whats bad?

What gives them a good amount of calcium?




  1. anny bird should get .. brocoli  ,califlour. spinch ,. leafy greens . kyle.   fruits of any kind with out the pits .. of course ,.  

  2. I have parakeets and they can eat any fruit or vegetablee besides avocados and appleseeds(apples are fine)

    by the way, chocolate and any other type of caffine is an awful idea, they're highly toxic to budgies.  I don't know why anyone would give a bird chocolate and caffine...

    My guys like tomatoes and carrots the best

  3. Greens: Kale, Bok choy, spinach, chard mustard greens radish, carrot tops, beet tops, dandelion greens (make sure they haven't been sprayed or collected near a roadway) and just about any other leafy green veggie.

    Veggies: Carrots, peas, zucchini, corn, squash, radishes, bell pepper, broccoli, green beans, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, chili peppers.

    Grains: Steamed rice (white, brown, wild) cooked pasta, whole wheat and multi-grain bread, popcorn (no butter), bran muffins, polenta, grits, cous cous, sprouted seeds and grains (quinoa, amaranth, millet, teff, kamut, spelt), oatmeal, all natural cereal.

    Proteins: Raw sunflower seed (small amounts), chicken, eggs, rish, small amounts of hard cheese such as Jack and cheddar, tofu, cooked beans (lentil, kidney, black, garbonzo, navy, white).

    Fruit: Apples (seeds removed), peaches, bananas, melons, mango, pomegranate, oranges, papaya, strawberries, plums, pears, berries, nectarines, cherries.  (Please remove all pits from fruit.)

    Please don't feed your bird salty foods, processed sugar, avocado, rhubarb, alcohol, greasy foods, caffeine, tomato leaves & stems, eggplant leaves, dried beans (always cook or fully sprout first), chocolate, apple seeds, fruit pits, tobacco. Feed onions or garlic in very small amounts only.

    A cuttle bone and a mineral block should be present in your bird's cage so he/she can use them as he/she feels necessary.  You also want to try taking our bird outside (securely caged) at least twice a week for twenty minutes or so.  This will provide the bird with natural Vitamin D which is necessary for proper calcium absorption.  A Vitamin D *supplement* should only be used under veterinary supervision because it can easily be overdone to the detriment of your bird's health.

    Hope this helps!


  4. sorry  but  i cant  answer  your  question  cause  u didnt  say what kind  of  bird  you have

  5. Any vegetables taste good when eating birds

  6. offer your birds a variety...they will let you know what they like

    I have 4 and they all like different fruits and veggies.  Most will go for bananas and apples.


  7. I have a cockatiel and i feed it bananas, it also likes to eat papaya. Apples are also good. Where i got my bird from they said to feed him apples and bananas. Hop that helps!

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